Setting eggs 1-18-12. I need some buddies to keep me company.

I'm in your same boat:)! I've got two pips and 6 I'm still waiting on...not to mention the 4 that pipped and zipped this afternoon:). So far 2 serama's (from shipped eggs...Castle Delight Serama's...zoomommy I think is her byc name), a vorwerk and cocking bantam from our own eggs. The pips are another cochin and vowerk.

I fially got my kids to go to sleep and not hover over the eggs lol...but now that's what I find myself doing! Gonna be a long night!

Sending good hatching vibes your way!

Backatcha with the vibes! Congrats on the serama, I've read they can be difficult to hatch. Now I have to look up vorwerk, never heard of them.
I'm not sure of the Whole Foods eggs (and don't have any viable eggs to find out) but I've read here that the Trader Joes are White Leghorns.

What type of chicks do the trader joe or whole foods hatch? Not that there is either of these near me.
Early morning Day 21, and still nothing to be seen. No pips or rocking.

I "thought" I heard some cheeping, but I sort of expected that it would be a continuos noise, I only heard something twice. Maybe my ears are playing tricks on me.

C'mon little mother called last night to find out if I had any progress with her "Great Grandchickens" :)
I'm back up after a 4 hour nap. Keep the faith AngelaPenny, they don't cheep continuously and some of my eggs didn't wobble or cheep at all before they pipped.
Thanks. I think I'll find something to do to get me out of the house and away from the bator for a few hours today.
My first 2 chicks of the year have hatched in the home made incubator.


I have 7 more that I am hoping will hatch on Valentines Day but I think I am off on my counting
so they may be early. 3 duck eggs due to hatch in the next couple of weeks.
They are a barnyard mix. I have Lt. Brahamas. RIR, Buff Orphingtons. They are a mix of those.
I also have a pair of Millie Fleur Booted Bantams but she is not laying. I really want some more of those.

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