Setting Eggs...5/14/11 T-minus 21 days & counting!

I LOVE Australorps...mine is the ace layer! I need to get a 'Lorp roo to make more layers...
We had an Austrolorp roo, he was HUGE, and a good rooster, he could get a little mean, but it was easy to put him back in his place. I miss him. Can't wait to have a rooster again, never thought I'd say that! Though my disdane and loathing of foxes will never go away!

And thank you all for the welcome, I'm pretty excited about hatching eggs. My son asked today when they would hatch, I told him three weeks and he said, 'I want them to hatch now!' trying to explain to a 4 year old that the chicks have to grow, he just wants them now!

Hatchers log: Stardate 5/18/11

Unfortunate to find cracked egg, candled, & saw undeveloped, cracked open & confrimed, no growth, smelled fine, will fry up & feed back to chickens or dogs...hopin' this is an anomoly & not the norm (undeveloped eggs). Candling all eggs to commence in three day, eagerly await...tempatures steady between 99-101 degrees F, & Humidity between 40-50%. Added water three times this week alone, pretty amazed at how fast the water evaporates. I see now why the proverb states "Don't count your chickens before they hatch"...
Any day now..

Lost my darn paper with dates on it, so I'm really worried.

Candled, and I have very nice air sacs, tons of movement,

and everythings dark!

Using duct tape for the dates next time!
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Candled a few of the bunch today...seeing great veining and movement...don't have the best going to try not be "candle-crazy" like last time....these eggs are local fertile eggs from a friend of a friend, so I'm thinking our hatch rate is going to be great!!! Good luck everyone and thanks for joining in!!
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I candle on day 18 unless I need the incubator space that some "clears" might be occupying.. I am excited.. just put some in the hatcher too.. I am Shelly.. and I am a hatchaholic

I'm so nervous about candling. I don't want to mess anything up, and I don't think I'd know what I was looking for, anyone not candle? If you do candle, what do you use and how do you do it? How do you know if it's a 'good' egg?

Julie - totally new to hatching! First hatch, and don't want to mess anything up!

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