Setting Eggs...5/14/11 T-minus 21 days & counting!

It won't hurt anything...just do a search on this site for candling egg pics and you'll get tons of pictures...I don't do it too much...but it is a thrill to see a chick in there moving. You'll generally see a dark spot and red veining which indicates good growth. It helps me with the long wait to do a peek now and then to know things are progressing well!! I'm bad at waiting!!!
Hatchers Log: Stardate 5/22/11 (post rapture JOY!),

Love to read all your outstanding progress! Much to my delight today, I've candled & proud to report 100% embryonic development, even in the pourous eggs (I've at least three of them in the bunch)...scare today, saw no water in the 'bator, & quickly warmed some up & added! Hopes are that this wasn't detrimental to the hatch. Note to others, if unable to see embryonic development, rotate egg until you do...
That was KEY for me lookin' at some that I thought were duds...

PS...was additionally 100% overjoyed to see movement as well! 1st Hatch is all systems go!
I candled! I did about half and they all had air cells and little moving chicks! I could not believe it! I didn't do anything fancy, just had a small flash light and held it up to the egg. It was so neat to see them moving around.
Cool Julie!!! That's all there is to it...I have to stop myself from wanting to do it everyday!! LOL!! It's just so gratifying to see those little guys moving around in there, it's extra reassurance that things are going well.
yep, I totally want to do it again tonight! It is so neat to see them moving around. I am going to try to stop myself until it's been a few more days that way they will be bigger. My son would like to see them moving, and I don't know if he'd see them quite yet, but if they are bigger he would.
Hatcher Log, Stardate 5.24.11:

Showed the wifey an egg, candled...& it moved...she got the heebiejebbies from it...hehehehe...just 10 or 11 more days to go...simply incredible! Temp & humidity, holdin' steady...gettin' the brooder ready, eagerly await my new guests.
That's a great site!! Thanks for sharing!! Ours are looking good too...stopping myself from candling too much!!! 10 days to hatch!!! Can't wait....we've been really busy lately so that helps with the waiting. Our first hatch are doing great and loving snacks...can't wait till we see who hatches in 2nd hatch!! Have fun!!!!
...oh the waiting!!!!
I set 24 eggs on the 14th that is my 3rd batch. This is a batch of eggs that I bought at the auction that is a mixed lot that I have no idea what they are. I did have 3 that were not fertile and took them out Sunday. This is going to be my last for a bit, running out of room for all the babies.

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