Setting Eggs...5/14/11 T-minus 21 days & counting!

I have to say the same thing about the 20 yrs ago, and I use spring water all the time for everything for that is what my house is on is a spring, we filter for drinking and cooking. I just wash the waters every other day or so.
Happy Night Before Lockdown!!! Very excited!! Will take out egg turner and add extra water to trays and cross my fingers!!! Good Luck All!!! Happy Hatching!!!

Well, we are now in lockdown and the wait is going to kill me. My days are so long with not a lot to do all day. I can have everything done by noon and then I keep looking in the window to see if anything is happen knowing that nothing is going to happen for a few days.
Let the chaos begin
I hear ya!! Thankfully my days are packed until Friday...but I did stare at them this morning after I took out the turner and added water...they felt very heavy and full, so that's good. Clean your closets and junk drawers and stay busy!!!
Hatcher Log, Stardate 6/1/11;

I must admit to sharin' the same nailbitin', waterpot boilin' watchin' impatience as wowmanacat & MayasMom...lockdown has commenced, I've filled both trays, in the Hovabator, & by Friday or Saturday, we'll have chicks...this may be the longest three days I've ever known, I've forgone candling...I've put in an order for 25lb bag of chick crumbles, & hopefully, they'll get here by they time they're ready for solid food. The rubbermaid brooder is ready, my feed tray & waterer is ready, all I hafta do is fill them, make some room for the brooder & add chicks...


PS. secured more wood for the spruce coop that I'll build for the larger flock, am wonderin', should I finish the coop, should I keep the mamas in the tractor, & house the pullets in the newly finished coop, til' they're ready for integration? Decisions, decisions...

PSS, wife is pleasntly amused that I'll be kept awake, all night & all day long, by the chirping of the chicks...
Staying busy is the key. Although I must admit that everytime I go to the basement I am mysteriously pulled into the room with the bator and find myself shining my flashlight to get a super view of eggs and watching for the slightest jiggle or wiggle to tell me that they are getting ready. My husband is AMAZED at the time I spend staring..(I am too frankly!! ) but I just LOVE seeing them move in the eggs!!
Marv, I keep the pullets seperate until they are big enough to defend themselves before I intergrate. When we do intergrate I put up a wood lattace barrier and divide the coop so the pullets can be with the older girls but have some seperation and get to know each other...then slowly I take down the barrier and they figure out the new pecking far it's worked well with little troubles.
Keep us posted on the progress!!!
Well I have been trying to stay busy but that is not to easy around here. I just looked in the incubator and one has pipped. I still have two days till hatch day and it might sit like that for all that time. I have to keep an eye on the temp to make sure that it don't go to high. My thermostat does not work so I just keep an eye on it. Ranges from 96 to 104 but I have good hatch rates.

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