Setting Eggs...5/14/11 T-minus 21 days & counting!

Still just pips for me, I think I have about 12 so far, can here little cheeps, but none that have pipped, have done anything more, so here's to hoping for some little chickies in the morning! Hope everyone get some sleep tonight!
I have one more that has been working since about 2 yesterday afternoon.. just about to pop out --- fully zipped now.. it is all I can do not to take the top off the shell and get the baby

I had 3 more hatch thru the night. Today is day 21 so the rest should go today I got one that is hatching right now, so that will make 9. That is over a 50% rate so far.
Awesome!!! We're done with 9 healthy chicks 2 duds and 1 that stopped growing for some reason..was quite big but still had losts of yolks sac there...great hatch rate!! Will post some pics later on! Busy cleaning all the hatching stuff and getting the basement back in order. Have to move the 6 week girls outside today so the new chickies can have the big brooder!!

Well I am up to 9 fully hatched 1 that is still kicken it in his shell, 2 that are pip, 2 that are rockin and rollin and 2 I just don't think are going to do anything for I don't see them rockin or any pips. just think of it to day is day 21 and I already have 10 here.
I will be going to the auction later today to get more eggs for this next batch is going to be a full load and the last load for the season. It is just to cold to do any in the fall or let them be out in the coop in the winter and I don't have a way to keep it good and warm out there till I get a very long cord to go there.
I'm on 10 now!!! WHOO HOOOO!!!!

Here's 7 o' them in the brooder! & I've got 2 to my cracked one just HATCHED!!! WHOOO HOOOOO!!!!!!



Here is 9 or the 10 that have hatched, the 10th one is still drying and resting. I love the colors that I have got out of this batch. still have 6 to go
If anyone know what breed any of them are please can you let me know, I know two of the eggs were blue green.

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