Setting eggs July 6th. Need some hatching buddies. Lets have some fun!

my girl is doing great my kids love going out and checking on her. she lets them pet her and all my other bird now know when we are coming in to the coop and they just leave so that we can have our little time with her to let her out to eat and drink.
I don't dare to candle...I'll see nothing in the black copper marans and with the ameraucana I'm afraid i'll hurt them. They had a rough shipment so i'm not turning them for 7 days. so the air sack can restablish. I just want them to hatch....the waiting part is killing me. Hope everyone is doing great.
So far so good, but I don't think either of the eggs in the incubator are developing. :/. I can see the air sac and there may be a dark spot but it may just be where I put the light. I will probably candle again on Monday.

I will probably try candling the eggs under Summer tomorrow night. Any advise out there for that?
not sure if nail polish is the best thing as it has chemicals that may leak into the cracked egg. i think i read a thread on here once about it.
hmm oh well too late now. I got the idea from a few posts on here. I used duct tape on a previous hatch and that didn't work. I have since read that duct tape is acidic. I wonder if it would have made it anyway without any help...

I just had a horrible temperature spike anyway.....oh I hope they make it through this.. ugh

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