Setting eggs July 6th. Need some hatching buddies. Lets have some fun!

well i now am in lock down. of course i add water to the trough to make it 60-65% humidity and a storm comes and raises it to 73%
i hope this wont drown the chicks and hopefully when it clears up the humidity will settle back down to 60%. so far i got a few eggs wiggling around in incubator so things might turn out alright. also made another mistake and forgot to put the shelf liner in the bottom of the incubator so there feet wont fall through.
got 2 chicks in the brooder drying
not sure if they hatched early because my temp gauge is wrong or if it is because they started incubating during shipping.
i now have 3 baby quail in the brooder with a few more piped eggs in the bator
. i wish i could post pictures but i dont have a camera my sister is going let me borrow hers tonight so hopefully tomorrow i will have some pics posted. i dont know how those little guys fit in the egg when they come out there are almost twice the size of the egg. i also got one loud mouth quail i guess there has always got to be one of those lol.
None of my 34 eggs hatched out. Little Giant Incubator would not keep a steady temp. My next batch I set in my new cabinet incubator. I set 31 eggs due to hatch on 8-5 and 12 eggs to hatch on 8-8. Wish me luck. I candled the cochin eggs veins in all of them. Maran eggs to dark to see any thing. Will keep everyone posted.
None of my 34 eggs hatched out. Little Giant Incubator would not keep a steady temp. My next batch I set in my new cabinet incubator. I set 31 eggs due to hatch on 8-5 and 12 eggs to hatch on 8-8. Wish me luck. I candled the cochin eggs veins in all of them. Maran eggs to dark to see any thing. Will keep everyone posted.

good luck on your cabinet incubator hatch. i heard alot of bad things on here about the little giant and how it doesnt keep steady temps. so i went ahead and ordered the hovabator even though every feed store in the 20 mile radius of me had the little giants.

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