Setting eggs July 6th. Need some hatching buddies. Lets have some fun!

got 2 chicks in the brooder drying
not sure if they hatched early because my temp gauge is wrong or if it is because they started incubating during shipping.

Isn't that amazing to think, that they were busy growing in transit? I read that the reason you see the little bulls eye on a fertile egg yolk is because the yolk actually spends about 24 hours inside the hen after fertilization but before the egg is laid, and the embryo is developing that entire time. So technically incubation is 22 days long, but only 21 of those days are outside the hen. And that the embryos are remarkably resilient, they stop growing when the egg temp drops below about 70, and then start up again when it warms back up. Apparently they can handle more cooling periods than you'd think and still be healthy! Not that I want to fiddle too much with the whole process and accidentally mess something up, but the whole thing is fascinating to me. :)
None of my 34 eggs hatched out. Little Giant Incubator would not keep a steady temp. My next batch I set in my new cabinet incubator. I set 31 eggs due to hatch on 8-5 and 12 eggs to hatch on 8-8. Wish me luck. I candled the cochin eggs veins in all of them. Maran eggs to dark to see any thing. Will keep everyone posted.

Good luck!!!
Well, I have 13 eggs still doing well from the 20 I set, not bad. I fired up the hatcher tonight to get it up to temp and steady, and tomorrow the eggs will move over into it for lockdown. Hatch day is Thursday for me! I got a new brooder heater, too, I am going to try one of these things:

Anyone else ever tried one? My daytime temps have been warm enough that I should hardly need a brooder, but the nights get chilly still so gotta keep those little guys warm. I am also going to see if I my salmon faverolle will adopt any of them and raise them herself. She's not actively broody at the moment, but who knows, maybe the mom instinct will kick in. She's been a good momma in the past!
i now have 20 quail in the brooder and one running around in the bator and few that zipping. here are few pictures i took. i order jumbo brown but i think i got 2 texas a&m quail in the mix.

Awww... cute little babies! I put a stuffed animal in the brooder with my button quail and they all cuddled next to it like it was mama. I had a kind of stiff teady bear that I put in on all fours so they could get under it. It was super cute.

now have 26 quail hatched out and hope they keep coming. my quail are little busy bees only stoping to rest for about 5 to 10 minutes at a times. the rest of the time is spent messing with each other or eating/ drinking. i need to get a bigger box and then maybe ill put a teddy bear in with them but think for now they are pretty content cuddling with each other.

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