Setting eggs July 6th. Need some hatching buddies. Lets have some fun!

My hatch day is friday. But im almost positive that i will have no hatchs out of them.

well, we can hope you get a good surprise. . . . so sorry. I am worried about mine as I'm down to 3 eggs in the bator.
Okay, tomorrow is lockdown and my humidity is going up a little all by itself---is this normal?
I only have 3 possible good eggs in the incubator. It's a LG still air with both vents off.
The chicks generate more heat and humidity when they are getting ready or are hatching. So dont turn anything down.
It worked! 2 lavenders out of 6 lav/lav split Ameraucana eggs (local) out right on time. Now to wait on the others and the two B/B/S Jersey Giant eggs (shipped) that are a couple of days behind...

I would put money down that this is a roo. The other one runs and hides under mom, but this one's all "Hi! Nice to see you!"
Congrats Everyone!!!

I'm starting to get excited about my hatch day. Hopefully I'll have just as good news as everyone else. We're looking at this Sat/Sun for hatch day, so hopefully all goes well.
:::: jealous ::::: lol. Mine shouldnt hatch until Monday or Tuesday. Ugh... the suspense. But yes, congrats to everyone!!!!
i thought all my excitement was all done with 64 quail hatching and 4 dying but i just checked the bator and looks like i may have another that wants to come out.
okay I have 3 more just hatch and now Im up to 8 But my question on one is what is this red tumor looking thing on this one is it going to die? I have never seen this before
it just hatched out on its own I did nothing to help it , so Im not sure what it is any one ??

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