Setting eggs July 6th. Need some hatching buddies. Lets have some fun!

That's a great hatch, congrats! I'm starting to worry a bit about mine, only three pips so far and no one has made it out of the shell yet. This was my first try at dry incubation so I'm concerned I may have botched something.

thanks i really thought i would only get like 20 to hatch so im pretty happy. i will keep 20 and i traded 20 for 3 rabbits and will sell the remainder just dont know what price to sell them though. i did dry hatch on my chickens before and didnt have much luck. so for my quail went with 45-50% humidity and at lock down 60-65% and it seems to work out pretty good.
Well, woke up to two chicks in the 'bator, and a third one has the same problem as paradisefarm's little guy, with protruding innards. I'm not giving up on the other eggs yet, but so far this has been a pretty bad hatch!
Things are not going all that well for me either. Of the 3 that pipped, only one is making any progress. We still have 6 other eggs that have not pipped. I candled them last night and they look like they are full. There are no air sacs left, so maybe yes, maybe no.

Here is the little one that is making the best progress:

[Note to self: Next time wait another day before lockdown. I think they could use the extra turning. Lockdown should probably be on day 19, not day 18.]
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Things are not going all that well for me either. Of the 3 that pipped, only one is making any progress. We still have 6 other eggs that have not pipped. I candled them last night and they look like they are full. There are no air sacs left, so maybe yes, maybe no.

Here is the little one that is making the best progress:

That's good progress! I will cross my fingers for you. For my own bad hatch I'm inclined to blame it on the dry incubation. I read all about it and it sounded like it was worth a try. I mean, my ambient humidity in the room with the incubator is 60-70%, so the incubator read 35-40% most of the time and then I added water for lockdown to bump it up around 50%. So I'm not sure WHY it wouldn't work, but it's the only thing I changed compared to previous hatches. Though I suppose anything can go wrong, and often it's hard to troubleshoot. Oh well. I haven't given up on them yet, I give everyone until day 23 at least before I call it off.
Well, woke up to two chicks in the 'bator, and a third one has the same problem as paradisefarm's little guy, with protruding innards. I'm not giving up on the other eggs yet, but so far this has been a pretty bad hatch!
Oh update he seams to be doing find and that tumor thing went down some, I hardly notice it at all and hes running around like the rest so hopefully he /she does fine
Okay I am sure you all don't want to see this But I am quite Puzzled ..... First of all I had a egg Just about Blow In the bator It was so stinky and Then started to Leak so I took it out and then I took out a few more that were questionable and I always crack them to see whats what and to My surprise this is what I found In my e bay baught EE eggs .............UM that is not a chicken .... Has any one ever had this happen to you ??? Poor Little Guys , I would not even know what to do if they did Live Does any one think I should contact the seller to ask , why there was duck eggs , Im not mad I am just suprised .

That is so sad, most ducks are 28 days and I think Muscovy are 36 days.
I would contact the seller. I assume they raise both. Maybe they will ship you some eggs to cover the mix-up.
Aaaarrrrgggg--- it's killing me to be patient. I look in the window dozen times a day. I need a life!
I have at least one more day but I wish there was something I could see to know if things are okay in there.
I can't add any more water and humidity is dropping to 65-68%. I am going to get a spray bottle as the ones I have hear I really have no idea what has been in them. I fear some kind of cleaner residue that will kill them in the 11th hour.
There simply is no sign of anything going on. I want to do something. I feel helpless. Not sure I'm cut out for this hatching stuff.

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