Setting eggs July 6th. Need some hatching buddies. Lets have some fun!

Okay I am sure you all don't want to see this But I am quite Puzzled ..... First of all I had a egg Just about Blow In the bator It was so stinky and Then started to Leak so I took it out and then I took out a few more that were questionable and I always crack them to see whats what and to My surprise this is what I found In my e bay baught EE eggs .............UM that is not a chicken .... Has any one ever had this happen to you ??? Poor Little Guys , I would not even know what to do if they did Live Does any one think I should contact the seller to ask , why there was duck eggs , Im not mad I am just suprised
Awwww...Poor lil' duckies. I'd be mad because I've got such a soft heart (although like you I wouldn't know what to do with them either) and if I had only known before hand that these were duck instead of chicken eggs then they would have been allowed to continue longer. So sorry you had to find this.
I would contact the seller too but not for replacement eggs, but for the fact that someone who did order might not have gotten what they wanted, and for the fact that it would be a good idea for the seller to mark duck eggs differently from chicken eggs and if they were "freebie" eggs to be sure to let the recipient know that they are there so no one else goes thru the heartache you are going thru.
Okay I am sure you all don't want to see this But I am quite Puzzled ..... First of all I had a egg Just about Blow In the bator It was so stinky and Then started to Leak so I took it out and then I took out a few more that were questionable and I always crack them to see whats what and to My surprise this is what I found In my e bay baught EE eggs .............UM that is not a chicken .... Has any one ever had this happen to you ??? Poor Little Guys , I would not even know what to do if they did Live Does any one think I should contact the seller to ask , why there was duck eggs , Im not mad I am just suprised

Were the 2 ducks in the same egg???
Were the 2 ducks in the same egg???
Oh no it was separate eggs < But I have 1 more blue egg left in there that did not hatch this is why I was confused all the eggs she sent were Blue maybe 2 greenish , supposed be EE chickens , She did send 20+ Like 26 total and out of that I ended up with 8 chicks , so I'm not sure what that percentage is I'm Just unsure what I should do with the last egg , leave it there or Not.
Because I didn't want it to blow up if it is chicken Like I experienced last night .YUCK
Awwww...Poor lil' duckies. I'd be mad because I've got such a soft heart (although like you I wouldn't know what to do with them either) and if I had only known before hand that these were duck instead of chicken eggs then they would have been allowed to continue longer. So sorry you had to find this.
I would contact the seller too but not for replacement eggs, but for the fact that someone who did order might not have gotten what they wanted, and for the fact that it would be a good idea for the seller to mark duck eggs differently from chicken eggs and if they were "freebie" eggs to be sure to let the recipient know that they are there so no one else goes thru the heartache you are going thru.
FYI I will tell you if he/she keeps his ducks with his chickens they will lay in the same boxes. Mine do, but my duck eggs look nothing like my chicken eggs so it's no problem. Plus I'm not selling eggs. If I was selling I'd do something to keep them separate.
Oh no it was separate eggs < But I have 1 more blue egg left in there that did not hatch this is why I was confused all the eggs she sent were Blue maybe 2 greenish , supposed be EE chickens , She did send 20+ Like 26 total and out of that I ended up with 8 chicks , so I'm not sure what that percentage is I'm Just unsure what I should do with the last egg , leave it there or Not.
Because I didn't want it to blow up if it is chicken Like I experienced last night .YUCK
I'd leave it---only because it may be a duck. There are blue eggs for a breed of duck, I think it's the Swedish Duck. I know with my duck eggs when they went bad they started to smell first. Not sure if you can smell them. You can find a home for a duck. I searched craigslist when i was trying to get a duckling. Or post here.
good luck.
My chick hatched....then died.

I have no other activity going on. Now we have a choice to make. Start over, or buy some day old chicks. Very disappointing.

That's very sad, I'm sorry to hear that. You might look locally for day old chicks, there are lots of contacts here in the forums. I can tell you what my last couple of days has been like. Of the thirteen eggs that made it to lockdown, two managed to hatch by the morning of day 22 (yesterday). A third one pipped at the wrong end of the shell and I didn't have much hope for him. I sent messages out to a few folks on the NH chicken swaps thread, because I am working this weekend and can't actually make it to the scheduled swaps. I wound up driving over to nhnanna's house yesterday and picking up six little peepers that are all a week old or less. I was concerned that my two little guys would grow up lonely, I like chicks to be in a crowd, I think it makes them feel safer. Then last night I candled all the rest of the eggs in the incubator and listened to them with a stethoscope and determined that some of them were still alive in there. So I stepped in and assisted. I peeled away the air cell end of the egg and broke the inner membrane for any egg that had managed to pip internally. I also assisted the backwards pipper. I managed to free 5 more chicks from their shells, though two of them are extremely exhausted and may not make it. I know people say you shouldn't assist chicks to hatch, that you should let nature take its course. But all of my little chicks seemed shrink-wrapped, and I feel like it's my own fault for trying the dry incubation method. It was a disaster as far as I'm concerned, 2 out of 13 if I hadn't assisted, and 7 out of 13 with assistance, if they all survive. So in the end, with the six I got from nhnanna, I may still end up with 13 chicks. But it's been pretty sad, I never like to see chicks die late in the shell. In all my previous hatches, if they make it to lockdown they have a pretty good chance of hatching. There's usually one or two that don't make it, but I still get at least 90% hatch out of ones that make it to lockdown (if you count from the number of eggs that I actually set, I get more like 50%, but I cull out the ones that aren't developing long before lockdown, they are usually just infertile).

Anyway, I hope you can find some chicks! One other option you might like to know about is the mypetchicken 15-layer special. If you go to and look close to the top of the page, there's a drop down menu that says "Filter by available date". If you pick 7-30-12, it'll give you a short list of anything still available from this weekend's hatch, which would ship out Monday morning. Among the choices is the brown egg layer 15 pack, which costs $40 and ships for free. mypetchicken is in Connecticut, I've ordered from them before and been pleased with their chicks. I like that they are here in New England so the chicks are never in transit for long. You could order before Monday and have chicks by this Tuesday or Wednesday. I almost ordered this myself to get some friends for my little chicks, but then nhnanna had some breeds I sounded like I'd be interested in so I went that route instead.

Good luck with whatever you decide to do!
My chick hatched....then died.

I have no other activity going on.  Now we have a choice to make.  Start over, or buy some day old chicks.  Very disappointing.

Sorry that happened. I have been hearing a lot of people are having Issues with dry incubation lately. I wonder if there is someone going one with weather that is affecting it...

I would probably order a few more like Draig suggested.

Good luck with whatever you choose to do!

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