Setting eggs on 6/18.... anyone wanna join?

I'm so sorry to hear about your babies, starryeyes. A coon got the majority of my flock a couple years back, and though we rebuilt the coop & yard like Fort Knox, I still get nervous sometimes. I'll send good hatching vibes your way for lots of chickies from your poor lost birds.
Oh my goodness! I am so sorry for your loss. We will be sending good hatching vibes too.

On a happier note- I candled the other day. I had a couple quiters, but most were wiggleing happily inside. So we will have chicks in about 11 days!
Im so sorry to hear about your loss! I have lost 2 this past week to a possum, but my father in law took care of it for me. My silkies are only a week old or I would send you some eggs.
I have guineas hatching today....they are hatching early but right on time for all of mine...mine like to hatch at 25 days, not 28...every batch that I have hatched either hatches at 24 1/2 or 25 days.

I can't wait until all of the others hatch it will be here before you know it
Just did a quick recandle of eggs - looks like most are still developing. I had one more splash cochin egg that looks like a quitter and one mottled that was a blood ring. That makes it down to 12/18 out of my shipped eggs. I'm worried now because I just realized that my turner seems to be facing the same direction everytime I check my eggs. Maybe it's because I check around the same time. Hmmm will see if it is facing the other way in a few hours.
My candling results-

0 guinea eggs fertile- didn't really expect any though.

11 chicken eggs- no development... most of those were from one hen, either the roo doesn't like her as much or she's too quick for him.

29 with development- saw movement and veins in all. (The kids and DH were just as excited to see the wiggles as I was!)

So far, this is so much better than my first try. That time, I set 34 eggs. By day 14, I had 5 with development,and 1 blood ring. Ended up with 4 hatch. I am much more optimistic this time, but still not counting my chicks before they hatch!
So got a quick question
Is anyone doing or have done a stagered hatch in same bator? Since yall know my silkie hen was murdered by a coon i had like 8 eggs out of her nest i put in bator on the 29th so i have eggs due on July 10th and now some on July 22 wondering how this will work since days 18 to 21 need more humidity how will this work with other eggs that will not be due. Any ideas >


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