Setting eggs on 6/18.... anyone wanna join?

i havent had any issues with it. i hatch guineas, ducks, quail and everything together..... Sorry wish i could help more
I don't have a problem with hatching at different times either, I just do it. I know that people say not to, I started doing it because I had space in the incubator and I wanted it filled. I just make sure that the ones that need to be turned are turned. I do end up with really good hatches
I'm sorry to hear about varmints killing chickens. I've always locked the girls in the coop at night. Reading about recent losses makes me wonder how secure my coop really is. Maybe I need to reinforce the floor, since it's hardware cloth rather than wood. The hardware cloth makes it easy to clean, but now I'm worried that it's also easy to get in to.

My current hatch seems to be doing okay. Of the 12 eggs I set, one was unfertilized and three are questionable. They show a dark mass, but I can't see a network of blood vessels. Of these three, one has the air sack at the wrong end, which is something I've never seen before. Eight have nicely formed blood vessels and jumping peeps.

I'll be sending out happy hatching vibes to everyone!!! I hate waiting. The last couple weeks is the part that makes me crazy.
Just threw one egg away. I opened the bator to a funky smell. Found the culprit egg, and send DH out to dispose of it. I didn't want to see if I was wrong. He said there was some development, but it was tiny and no movement.

So, down to 28 eggs left.
I'm down to 11 out of 18 shipped eggs and 14 home grown (maybe). The brown eggs from my cuckoo maran look to be developing but my green eggs are all a no - go. My EE does not let the alpha roo (white show girl) get any where near her, in fact I've seen her fight him like another rooster would and try to tear his fluffy head off. She has been cautiously hanging around closer to my BCM. That is good - I want olive eggers.

I do have a concern for two of the eggs. One has a decent spider crack and now it has a saddle air cell that is extra large. Is that from to much moisture escaping because of the crack? I never sealed it because I frankly didn't think it would develop. The other one has an air cell that goes down the side long ways. It didn't start out that way and not sure why it is that way now. They are both shipped eggs that I really really want to hatch.
ya know, you can still put wax on it. up to you... but im one of those "if its meant to be, itll be" type people.... so either you can let mother nature decide or you can put wax on it, and see if it hatched.... good luck
Of my 15 Brahma eggs, I have four good lemons. The partridge eggs are darker so it's harder to tell. I have at least two and maybe four of them still good.
Could it be that I have only 4-5 more days????

I set mine the night of the 17th and my banty eggs seem to hatch one day early.

Can't wait!!!!!

I think I might bump up my humidity tonight - the air cells are plenty big already.

Hope everyone is enjoying their holiday!

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