Setting eggs on 6/18.... anyone wanna join?

I still have 28 going strong I think. I skipped the 14th day candle and am just going to candle on the 18th day when I stop turning. At least there is no more funky smells.
I know!! I'm trying not to get my hopes up because of my last sad attempt, but the closer we get to hatch day the more excited I get!
I candled my top hats today. I've got 8 wigglers and 1 questionable one. Three went into the trash a few days ago. They were completely clear.

My husband had never seen a wiggler up close, so I candled a few when he was home. He has been indifferent to the hatching process, but now I think he might take more interest. It's so exciting to see little heads and feet dancing around inside an egg. My hatch was set a little later than most folks in this group, so mine aren't due until next Friday.

I hope everyone will post pictures of their new chicks. I'm charging the batteries for my camera this weekend.

Good luck everybody!!!
Well, I had one bust out of it's little jail last night or early this morning!!
And now I can see several pips, so here we GO!!
I am down to 7 out of 2 dozen d'uccles (had another power outage and a lot of scrambled yolks). I have hatched out 4 top hats and 19 white guineas this week to make up for all lost
. I move the 7 to the hatcher today so I'm counting down.

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