Setting eggs on 6/18.... anyone wanna join?

Embk...My humidity is now down to 76%, and still dropping slowly. I just have the water wells filled and little water cups in the bottom of the bator, and if for some reason the humidity keeps dropping, I will add a warm damp sponge (quickly).....My temp is rising slowly too...right now its at 99.4, and needs to get up to 101. I guess some things can't be rushed....

Got my fingers crossed for everyone!!!
My Daughter just called to tell me we have a pip!!! Maybe I wasn't crazy this morning when I thought I heard peeping!

Now just wait baby chickie, until I get home from work at 5.
Yay, dang it, yay, dang it, yay........ LOL

Looks like little chickie isn't going to wait for me to get home. DH just called to tell me that in 15 minutes, he's halfway zipped already!

Oh well... THat should give him time to rest and maybe he will encourage more of his brothers and sisters to hatch after I get home.
2 blue chicks and one yellow chipmunk so far. All from my own eggs. One more is 3/4 zipped and another pipped. And they aren't even due until tomorrow.

I'm hoping to slip these guys under a broody tonight.

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