Setting eggs on 6/18.... anyone wanna join?

Thanks. Baby #3 looks just like them. The Daddy is a silkie mix, I think. He has black skin, black beak, 5 toes, but not fluffy feathers.
They have his skin, beak, and toes. The last one would have GREAT toe spacing if it was a full silkie LOL.

Momma could be Australorp, light brahma, 2 RSL, barred rock, or a buff mixed? hen. They could all be from the Australorp... She's his favorite girl and they all came from eggs that looked the similar color and size.
Pocco it took some work LOL. But what I did was when I started hatching eggs a few months bk I would tell him babies in the bator and let him peak in bator. When they would pip and start chirping I let him look again. When they hatched and he realy got fired up because he could hear the chirping i showed him told him babies be gentle. After they were out of bator i held one for him to sniff and yes at first he tried to bite it but i kept saying be sweet babie sweet kisses only, he would then lick it LOL. So every time i had to feed them I would say lets go lets go feed the babies. He got to the point he looked forward to our outings. And he would go with me to the barn to feed laying hens at first he was on a leash. I told him be gentle he did chase a few. But the turning point was when he ran into the hen house and got a beat down by 30 hens at once that jumped him. After that he had a new respect for them. So every day 3 times a day he goes with me to feed and check on them. I can even now tell him go round up the birds and he will corall them if they have gotten out of there area. He holds them down with his paw and is gentle. But he is a jack so i know he can turn on them so i keep a close eye on him. He also has gotten a smack by a few big roos
which realy put him in his place. He is around baby ducks and has never hurt them he pays no attention to them. But again he saw them from egg to baby to now full grown ducks. He now patrolls the barn yard and even has gone out at 3 am with hubby looking for coons that got into coop. He saw the dead birds and i thought he might try to eat the meat but he just sniffed it and was pacing back and forth he knew somethen bad had happened out there. Plus i was crying. He is very smart and yes he gets jealous but i just keep praising him when he goes with me and leaves them alone and does his patroll. MY hens pay him no attention if he gets to close they grab ahold of his ears which is so funny. Probably the funniest thing he has done was when we went to collect eggs he found one on the ground and picked it up and brought it to us
So all in all he is great with them.

OH I GOT 2 PIPS this morning I hope they all will be ok i just took them out of turner yesterday these guys are early. I just hope the others are ok no piping face down since i just took them out of turner. I set these eggs on the 19th in the evening.
How is everyone elses hatches??
Cute picture Starryeyes
Sounds like you have him well trained.

I am up to 9 completely out babies and one that is half zipped. I'm trying to decide how I'm going to divide them up amoungst the broodies. The first few really need to come out of the incubator tonight.

Thanks for sharing how you socialized your dog with your chickens. Conner, or Carin Terrier, whines and paces when we have chicks pipping and hatching. He comes to get me when he thinks they are in trouble. He is protective of the brooder when it's full, and he goes ape when I change the litter in there.

My concern is that his nature will overcome his training. He kills rabbits that make their way into the yard. I know he would really rather have them as company, but he can't stop himself once he catches them. He was not raised with any other animals. We moved onto our property after he was a few years old, so he's not really in tune with other animals as friends.

The automatic turner comes out of the incubator today. I'm going to add a few wet paper towels to bring the humidity up. I've never had an early hatch, but something about this group of eggs makes me think I will see some a day early.

Keep posting your pictures. It helps the rest of us be patient while we wait for our fluffy butts to hatch.

-- Coral
Well dang. Still no pips and no babies.
I know they are in there! I saw them moving!!!! Sheesh, they are gonna give me an ulcer with all this waiting and panicking. There are over 50 that need to hatch!!!! NOW!!!! But i think this is day 21????

They better start popping like popcorn!!!!
I quit... I just managed to kill all ten of the chicks that hatched. We have been having construction on done on our house so I took them out of the bator and put them in the brooder that I have used for every batch of chicks I have ever had in case they messed with our electric again. The heat lamp was clamped to a board but apparently slipped down and all the babies overheated. This all happened within a 20 minute time span.

The poor little babies - my 15 year old can't stop crying. They were so pretty and I killed them.

My poor broodies too - I hatched these to put under them since their original shipped eggs were bad.

I can't believe I killed them all.
Well, my guinea did hatch on day 33 but passed away during the night
. BUT.....look what I did wake up to this morning:

I think the last 2 eggs were quitters but I'm going to leave them in there a bit longer just in case. Regardless, I've got 5 pretty babies

pbjmaker---so sorry to hear about your babies.
Big Hug to you....we all have had things happen like this...I feel your pain and really do understand.

mine aren't ready to hatch yet, they were set a few days I have to wait until Sat

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