Setting eggs on 6/18.... anyone wanna join?

I'm so sorry to hear about your brooder accident. That's what it was, too, an accident. After reading your post I attached a rope to the back of my brooder lamp just in case it ever falls or comes unclamped. That way it can never get any closer to the chicks than the length of the rope. See, something good has come from this. We can all learn from it and prevent future heartbreak.

My turner is out and the humidity is up. Now all I need to do is busy myself with other things so that I can endure the waiting. Thanks, everyone, for posting your pictures. It's helping me hang on for the last few days before mine hatch.

-- Coral
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so that is what babies of that kind look like. I have some Proccelin d'uccles...but I got them at 3 months old, I am going to get some of the milie fleur too
Poco Pollo - I'm glad something good came of it. I've had chicks die before - but of natural causes.

There was one last egg that was pipped internally, but fading. We lost our power again So i externally pipped it and placed it under the broody. It was very weak and very sticky so I hope it lives. The mama I put it under is a fierce girl - so if it lives it will be well protected.

I give it about a 20% chance.

ETA: mcjerdensfarm - you will love d'uccles. Mine are the pretty clowns of my flock. Friendly and chattery.
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I have a total of 5 babies out of the egg so far, 1 still pipped, and the rest nothing yet. The pipped one was the second one to pip yesterday. If it hasn't hatched by the time I get home, I'm probably going to see it it needs a bit of help. I saw it's little beak last night as it looked like it was starting to zip. But after I went to bed at 3am ( I was falling asleep leaning on the bator) the 3 chicks from yesterday decided to play soccer. I did wake up to 2 new babies though so I guess it helped them a bit.
I've read many posts where people write about "helping" when a chick isn't hatching to schedule. I've always left them on their own. I figure that a chick not strong enough to get out on its own wouldn't make a strong chicken later.

Maybe my view is too rigid. When my grand kids are here for a hatch we talk about life and death in real terms, because they see it. The subject of helping a struggling chick has never come up. Instead, our youngest grandson, Rafael, told me that God needs to have chickens in Heaven, and that's whey we don't get to keep them all. Rafael is five.

The only reason I helped mine was because we have had power issues the last two days. I went outside to check on the broody and she was still sitting on it. Then my daughter went out and found it in the yard. Apparently it had stuck to the broody as she got up and then dropped off. It is still alive and back in the bator. It is a total sticky mess, don't have high hopes at this point.

Please accept my apology. I didn't mean to upset you, or anyone. It's agony any time you have a chick that doesn't survive. I hope your little guy makes it. He will be a force to reckon with after all he's been through.
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IVE GOT PIPS!!!!!!!!!! WAAAAHOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3 button quail and a buff orpington/cochin x!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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