Setting eggs on 6/18.... anyone wanna join?

You =

Me =

Waiting is the worst!
He's still peeping at me. It's like she was dipped in shelak. If he survives maybe I can call her Decopage. It is very apparent now that she is cuckoo maran by white SG since it has a NN. Looks like girl since there is no spot on its head to indicate barring.

The peeps are way stronger than they were and she opened her eye for a moment.

I did the same thing with the first 2 chicks I ever hatched. I was devastated. I had put them in a small box with a lamp so they wouldnt get cold, and woke up to 2 little still bodies. All I could figure is I overheated them and they had no way to get away from it. We live and learn. I haven't done it again.
yall are so not going to believe this. So you know I have a stagered hatch because my hen was killed so i looked in to ck on peeps. And the ones that are not due for 10 days are in the bk two rows of turner. The rest of the rows are out. The turner some how got jamed and the some of the eggs were dumped out and one was the wrong end up. So since my humidity was at 70 and temp 101 i quickly lifted lid half way to fix turner. Well CRAPOLA my cell was in my pocket
It fell on 2 eggs that had pips and one with nothen . The one with nothen looks like spider veins not broke threw. But the two that are pipe well one it rl crushed the other lets just say it made a zip. OMG I cant believe this i still hurried and fixed turner took 30 seconds for all this temp only came down .1 and humidity 69 so 1 % but i am afraid i killed the one it rly hit hard i can see the guy breathing so. But he is not chirping. so we shall see. I WILL NEVER do stagered hatch again. HAving to turn eggs not do just is not good . The only thing keeping me from crying is 3 more are piped and i just cant change what happened.
I have decided after all this I am saving for a sportsman bator and hatchery.

Please pray for my crushed eggers
oh hun!!!!! Itll be ok! Ive DROPPED an egg on the ground and the chick hatched with no problems. Be positive! I'm sorry all that happened though. What a bummer!
Well, the one that pipped yesterday was dead by the time I got home from work. I think it ended up drowning after it's sibs knocked it over. No more pips yet in any of the other eggs. Hoping some more will get moving tonight and that they aren't all dead.

To keep my spirits up, here are more pics:

Not what I usually think when someone says "bucket of chicken":

A chick... they all look pretty much the same at first glance.

Look at those feet!

2 cute chicks.

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