Setting eggs on 6/18.... anyone wanna join?

Well, out of 15 eggs I only got three chickies - two blue partridge and one lemon Brahma. Not a very good picture, but this one's all attitude.

Were you expecting more based on what you saw during candling? Sometimes I candle every day up to day 18. After that the lid on my incubator doesn't open until I've got dry chicks to move to the brooder. The expression on your chick's face reminds me of the look I get from my dog when I tell him to potty outside when there's snow on the ground. Precious.
Big hugs and condolences to you, pbjmaker.

Finally got a pic of the first 5 that I moved into the brooder (I couldn't get any good shots of them in the incubator). These 5 are all homegrown mutts, though one of the araucana eggs hatched successfully too. The most recently hatched chicks are still in the brooder, cheering on the last few stragglers. Looks like there are going to be a few late quitters too, but I'll give them a couple more days, just in case.
here are the quail! please forgive the quality, its from my cell phone. my camera is broken!



and i had one mutt hatch, but havent taken HIS picture. HOLY COMB BATMAN!
Well i am about to give up. Ok temp 99.9 humidity 55% from day 1 to 18 temp 100 humidity 65% -70% from day 18 to 21. This time i only candled day ten then on day 18 just ran flash light on a few while i was taking them out of turner. Then broke turner had to open for maybe 30 seconds humidity at that time was 70% droped maybe a point. And i still got shrink wrapped eggs. Four hatched on there own 3 piped and never did anything for 24 hrs took one out when i had to open bator because a chick had its foot some how under the mesh bottom of the hovabator. Any way i could here a very faint chirp from the egg i candled it could see the shrink wrap look. I carefully did a egg section on it and her yolk was totaly absorb she was just shrink wrapped and could not move. I looked at other 2 piped ones same thing absorbed yolk but shrink wrapped in there. candled the rest a few quiters i am sure died early like day 14 or so. Had a few clears that had been marked iffy could not see in them they were speckled. And i would say 5 had been shrink wrapped apon piping. OK so what is the deal i mean i know some who do staggered hatches and have to open bator to turn the eggs. This bator was closed I even ran a tube there vent hole to add water so i would not have to open it. I mean what is the freaken happy medium here. I am about ready to give up. I do have 7 silkies the three i helped are weak do to the time they were short on oxygen. I mean i dont want to increase it to much and drown them . I need some help has anyone had this happen this hatch? And the ones doing the best are the ones the cell phone crushed guess it helped them out and saved there lives allowing them to breathe. ANY help would be great i have 14 more eggs in there due in 10 days
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Well my lone survivor seems to be doing better. Hubby put it under the broody again late last night and she sat on her all night. Then this morning I caught her nosing under my other broody. I thought maybe she had stole the baby. Nope she had been abandoned and they were both wanting eggs still.

So I guess for now I will be brooding her myself inside. She is way more alert and tries to get up and walk but tips over everytime. One of her wings is still crusted and stuck together so I'm going to try and clean it to see if that fixes her balance.

It's amazing what a drop of baby vitamins and some gatorade does for a little chick.

I hope everyone elses chicks are doing well.
Just found this thread when I was trying to find out what to do.

I had 11 shipped eggs that were due yesterday (18th)
One was missing from the nest after about 10 days.
On the 6th there was a destroyed one out of the nest.
One hatched the 17th and 1 on the 18th.

My broody went outside with the 2 babies and left her nest. I know that she was on it at noon and at 3 she was outside.
The eggs were cool (it's about 85 today)

I don't have an incubator so I have put the 7 remaining eggs in a box with pine shavings and a heating pad over them. The temp is around 100.

What do I do??????
How long should I wait?
Just found this thread when I was trying to find out what to do.

I had 11 shipped eggs that were due yesterday (18th)
One was missing from the nest after about 10 days.
On the 6th there was a destroyed one out of the nest.
One hatched the 17th and 1 on the 18th.

My broody went outside with the 2 babies and left her nest. I know that she was on it at noon and at 3 she was outside.
The eggs were cool (it's about 85 today)

I don't have an incubator so I have put the 7 remaining eggs in a box with pine shavings and a heating pad over them. The temp is around 100.

What do I do??????
How long should I wait?

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