Setting eggs on 6/18.... anyone wanna join?

I got 5 so far, a couple more have piped. I hope they come busting out soon. I don't want to go in to get them. But, I will if I need to.

Sorry BIRD BRAIN, about your ducks. That is so sad to loose all the whole batch. I had that happen to. I think it just comes with the territory.

Congratulations to all the new mommies & daddies!!!!!
Well...I posted yesterday if anyone knew how long from "pip to zip", and I can say it was 18 hours for me!!!! I woke at 2:09am (instinct), and went to my bator just in time to watch the first chick zip and hatch. It was thrilling!! I had a hard time going back to sleep though
...and when I woke this morning, there was 1 more hatched, and just a few minutes ago the third hatched!
Now I have about 5 more that have pipped, ...if they all hatch that would be incredible!!! What a hatch rate if I get the 8 out of 10!!! I use an LG still air (I hand turn) with no fan!!


Oh and these were shipped eggs (blue and black orpingtons) bought off of Ebay from Arizona, and they made it all the way to New Hampshire! I'm impressed!! Anyone want to know the Seller, PM me....
It's day 21 and I've got an egg rocking and peeping. The remaining 8 are still silent. I hope this is the start of a productive hatching day.

Go Pips!!
Go Pips!!
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Great job Pick-a-LilyFarm what a wonderful way to start the day! Cute little fuzzy butts always make me smile!!

I am sending good hatching vibes your way poco pollo!
As for me I ended up with 6 lemon blue cochins. None of my D'Uccles hatched.
But I am thrilled about the 6 cochins. 1 chick was huge, he was the 1st to hatch . I will get pictures up later today. I got an assortment of colors. I am just so happy!!!!! Little fuzzy butts drive me nuts!
so far ive only had 4 baby chickens hatch....... still waiting on like 5 dozen more.... i candled a few and they are still wiggling. Not sure what is going on!
I've got one Pip! There is a little bit of chirping, but not much egg movement. The dog is on edge. He sits and stares up at the incubator, willing it to produce peeps. Every time he hears a squeak, he whines and paces. I may have to put the dog out so my nerves don't fray.

I hope to be able to post some pictures by this evening. Today is day 21 for my hatch, so this first little guy is right on schedule.
Well... final outcome of this hatch:

40 chicken eggs went in the bator.
Day 10- 11 clears, left 29 in the bator
Day 14- 1 went stinky, 28 left in bator
Day 18- 7 quitters, left 21 in the bator

Day 20- 3 live hatch, 1 pip then died in the shell
Day 21- 2 live hatch
Day 22- 1 live hatch with major problems, 1 pip then died in the shell
Day 23- I checked the rest of the eggs- All dead.

I'm throwing out my bator. DH felt bad and said he'd buy me a new one but I don't know... I think I'll wait until my silkie grows up and becomes broody before I try again.
What kind of incubator do you have? I had a Little Giant that gave good results if I could check it all the time. My hubby upgraded me to a Hova Bator 2362N that he found at LLL Reptile in California via the Internet. Since this is a reptile place, the incubator prices are better. He said it's about $62.00 for the 2362N, which has a fan already installed. I love mine. It holds a steady temp, and I have never had to adjust in the middle of a hatch.

I just had my first chick hatch. I think it's a Buff Laced Polish. I've got a second pipping, and the dog is about to split himself in half between standing by the shelving unit where the incubator is and running in to my office to tell me about what he just heard. He's going to go gray. He's such a chicken momma. Poor Conner

Here's my first picture. This little Buff Polish is running in circles inside the incubator. He's knocking eggs around and making a lot of noise. I hope his buddy hatches soon so that I'll have more than one to put into the brooder when they dry off.
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Poco, your polish baby is cute!

My incubator is homemade. I don't really think it's the bator though. I think it's me! I am going to be recalibrating all my thermometers and the hydrgrometer to make sure everything is working right.

I will look into the reptile stores though.. Thanks for the tip. I am also going to be getting a turner. I figure the less I touch anything, the less chance I have to screw it up.

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