Setting eggs on 6/18.... anyone wanna join?

Awww... the pic of Conner is almost as good as pics of the fuzzy butts. Yay, Conner! I hope my boys are like that, but I'm thinking they're probably more like e from NC's dogs
Wonder of wonders; my questionable egg has pipped!
I don't know if this is another Mottled Houdan or one of the White Crested Blue Polish chicks. This one hasn't made any noise, but I can see a beak now and then, so I know there's potential for another live chick. If this one makes it, I will have 9 of the original 12. Way back on day 14 I removed three. Clears are pretty easy to spot, and after two weeks it was obvious that these three had never started to develop.

I want to take pictures of the group all together, so maybe by tonight this last chick will be hatched and dry enough to pose for the camera.

YAY POCO!!!!!!!!!

I came home to 4 more hatched!!! Waaahoooo!!! Ill have to count, not sure how many im up to now. LOL. Cant wait for more!
I wish I'd had a chicken wrangler to help me take pictures. These little guys kept jumping out of the basket!

I made the pictures small so that I could fit more on one page. All nine are cheeping, eating, drinking, and pooping. Most of the time, however, they are sleeping. The Mottled Houdans like to sleep in the food dish. I hope they grow out of that. I can't tell the Buff Laced Polish from the White Crested Blue Polish. The Houdans are the black and whites.

I can't get over the poufs of feathers these guys have. My husband thinks this is my silly batch, and maybe he's right, but not everyone can be serious all the time.
Ever had a chick sleep standing up? I wish I'd had my camera. I checked the brooder this morning and found 8 sleepy heads, all stretched out, and one snoozing standing up. The stander is a Polish, and he had his little fluffy head on the brooder floor; he looked like a tripod. I'm going to leave my camera by the brooder for a few days to see if I can catch him at it again.

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