Setting eggs on 6/18.... anyone wanna join?

So i ended up with one blk silkie who has blk skin but no 5th toe ? I have 2 all white silkies with vaulted heads and blk skin and 5 toes on each foot, one that is buff colors she has black skin and the 5th toe BUt has green legs LOL. I have two that are spoted black skin got the 5th toe thinking partridge? here is a pic.

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I need to do a toe count on my Mottled Houdans. They are supposed to have the extra toe like the silkies.

Is anyone going to set another hatch? I've got eggs arriving next week, so I'm going to set one more hatch before I call it quits for the season. I sure would enjoy having others to talk with, ask questions of, and share pictures with. Let me know if you're interested.

My Silly Nilly Nine are doing fine. They are such a blast to watch. I can't sneak close enough to take a picture when they are sleeping, though. some of the Polish sleep standing up, with their little legs out the side and heads resting on the brooder floor. I'll keep trying.

I will be setting more to. I will be going to a bird auction next saturday I hope to get some eggs if not my friend has some ee eggs she will give me so Poco count me in .

I said I quit - but my hubby says try again. I was wanting some more pure cochin eggs and then I wanted to set some more of my cuckoo and EE eggs. So far though my EE is holding out and A. laying every three days or so and B. None have been fertile. She beats up my BCM roo everytime he comes near.

What day are you all going to set yours on? I will try to join in.
I will be setting some this coming week too. Probably Wed or Thurs. Some australorp eggs. I would like to join in too, so count me in!

Oh, by the way your chicks are so cute Poco Pollo.

pbjmaker you should try one more time. Try having the incubator running a couple days before you set the eggs. Also, try eggs that are local they will have less travel stress/damage. You get a better result from them. I hope you join us again.

Yeah starryeyes too!

See you guys soon!~ TACEY
Poco and Starry--your chicks are soooo cute! I just set 13 buff polish today. I am getting some silkies and more mille fleur d'uccles around Wed. to join them. Now the wait begins all over again. This will be it for a while--dh said we are running out of room
Tracey - thanks for the information. I've had good hatches in the past. It's just this time the heat lamp clip slipped and overheated the chicks after they had hatched.
Hi Guys- Sorry I don't think I will be able to join again after all. It looks as though the austrolorp hen went broody.
I will definately be doing more hatching in the fall. I hope I can catch up with you guys later. Have fun!

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