Setting eggs on May 24th! Come hatch with me!!!! Second hatch ever!

Sounds like you have things pretty well set up.
As for your doctor not being happy, I know mine sure wouldn't. She actually would probably send my toosh to a psychiatrist! LOL! I'm just a tad addicted.

It is the 4th day for the bantam mama and I decided to candle to see how things were going. I had 1 blood ring, which I removed from the nest, 1 that looks to be clear, but way too early for me to comfortably cull, and all of the rest are developing!
This means that I have at least 13 eggs still in the game under Miss Pancake Pants.

More good news is that my other broody is being a superb velcro butt! All of her eggs that are due on June 4th are alive and wiggling!

Is it time for the fuzzy butts yet?
May I join the party? I set 12 barnyard-mix eggs in my homemade incubator yesterday (5/24), my son's 15th birthday. It's my very first mechanical hatching attempt! My digital hygrometer is off by 10% after calibration, and there is sometimes a 3-degree difference between the digital and mercury thermometers
! I started out with the eggs in a paper carton but then moved them onto the hardware cloth because it seems easier for me to turn and rotate them that way. I'm concerned that the heat from the light doesn't seem consistent throughout the box. If this is successful I would love to try incubating some duck eggs in the future. I'm very excited and extremely nervous! Good luck everyone!
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Welcome SeaHen! Wow sounds like you know whats going on though. Might you try hooking an enexpensive computer fan into your bator to even out the temp? I've heard of other doing that! How do you calibrate your hygrometer??? I'm very interested in this....I just pulled mine out the box and used them.....::cough:: anywho! I really hope you have fuzzy butts!!! everyone needs fuzzy butts in their home at least twice!

I look foward to hearing updates on your bator! And better of all your fuzzy butts!!!
I'll keep an eye out.
Allllrighty I candled just awhile ago!!!!!! I have tiny wigglers already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In my white eggs it was sooooo easy to see everything, like egg-o-vision or something. So much different that working with the brown eggs.
Sure, I'm in. Just set our 5th hatch in still air bator on May 26. A mix of australorps, americaunas, RIR's and Isa Brown from our own flock. Hope I've learned some lessons and have a better hatch this time.
I candled mine yesterday and all 5 have awesome veining! I could even see the little flutter from their heartbeats! These are white eggs too and it's a whole new world for me. All the others I've hatched were Marans and way too dark to see anything but a shadow! I'm really excited to candle again in 5 days!

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