Setting eggs today 4/1/12 Anyone else?


8 Years
Mar 24, 2011
I put 11 eggs in the incubator today

10 brown eggs from Buff Chantecler(1), Buff Orphingtons(2) Buff Brahma(1), Rhode Island Red(1), 1 tetra tints or 1 polish, 4 Golden Comets and an Easter egger.

The hens eggs are hopefuuly fertilized and the 2 roosters breeds are: Rhode Island Red x Silkie mix and the other is a Chantecler mix not related to my hen.
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Also does anyone else have Chanteclers? I have never had any babies of the breed and was wondering how hardy people think they are.
I just set 24 Americauna's and 2 millefleur's at 11:30 tonight (4/1) I read an article about using a old turkey roaster as an incubator. I am giving that a try. I have a small glass of water inside the roaster with a candy thermometer. It has been steady 99 - 100*. I have misted them and will turn them when I get up then a few times during the day. I so hope this works. I would love to have some babies runnin around here this year. Good luck with your babies. Christine N. MI
I set 12 Ameraucana eggs today. The roo is mostly blue with a bit of black and the hens are all splash save for one, a young lavender, this is one of her first eggs so setting it is a bit of an experiment. The incubator humidity got a little higher than I wanted (50%) when I added a small bit of water to start, but both plugs are open and I am not going to add any more. I numbered them, candled them and made notes so I can follow their development. Looking forward to day 4 to see what is developing!
Good luck to everyone!
I wish I had more Americaunas to put in, only one of mine had laid when I collected. I thinking that If I get anymore green eggs today, I am going to just pencil the date on them, and toss them in. This is my second attempted at hatching. my first attempt produced nothing, luckily I only wasted 5 eggs, but I had placed my incubator in a spot I thought would keep a steady temp, then we went from 50 degree weather to 80 degree weather and my temp went way high. Plus various other mishaps.

Good Luck all!
This is my second attmept, my first one was a bust. None of the eggs had developed at all, thinking it may have been something that happened while they were stored before incubation. Luckily the breeder offered to give me another set at no cost! I am working on building my own breeding flock so that I can hatch out my Americaunas whenever I want or need them.
I can not find any light that can candle my brown and green eggs so I will have to live through you guys on the candleing. lol - unless of couse I find something that will work.
I can not find any light that can candle my brown and green eggs so I will have to live through you guys on the candleing. lol - unless of couse I find something that will work.

I use one of those Brinsea Ovaview candlers and that works on even my darkest Marans eggs. It cost more than I really wanted to pay (like $45) but, it was worth it and I can just pop an egg in anytime for a quick peek. Best of all I don't have to go lock myself in the bathroom with the lights out and then try to hold a flashlight and the egg in the dark. I keep it on top of the incubator and it's ready any time.
I have about 20 eggs I want to incubate, but am in need of some consultation. I was told that I should wait until I have had my eggs three days before putting them in an incubator. Ever hear of this before? Is it true? And if so, why do you have to wait?
I had a Chantecler and they are very hardy. My rooster was big and strong and somewhat of a bully. I opened the chicken door one day after a snow fall and all the chickens had to go check it out. When the Chantecler started his inspection of the crazy white stuff covering the ground, the other chickens pushed him out and wouldn't move for him to come back in. Kind of funny since he wasn't very friendly. I have kids and due to his aggressive nature, he had to go. We still have two roosters, but one more needs to go because they keep my hens looking a little worse for wear.

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