Setting eggs tomorrow night, 3/29/12, anyone want to hatch with us?

yea i have 14 after my candling last night. so excited, hopefully it will be a good hatch and make up for the one i just had yesterday and today. only one made it

anyways! im excited then to share pics with you and everyone! go BLRW! ha ha ha ha....
Aw. Sorry to hear you had a bad hatch. My very first hatch was pretty bad. I was crushed. But the few that made it were spoiled to bits.

Here's hoping our BLRW hatch well! Those were the eggs I was most excited about, so I'm on pins and needles. I feel kind of bad that I'm less excited about the other breeds, but I always find you never know who's going to be your favorite until they hatch. Yes, I do have favorites. Some chickens are just more lovable than others.

My favorite chicken was one of the plainest chicks I hatched last year. Plus she laid the weirdest, ugliest eggs I've ever seen. She's an EE, and her eggs were sort of grayish green with muddy brown spots. I can't even give them away. People are always like "Are you sure a chicken laid that egg?"
Wooooo Hoooooo I'm home from a 3 day retreat in Lake Arrowhead and I'm thrilled to be peeking at the mutts tonight when it gets a wee bit more dark. If all goes well, I'll lock down on Tuesday. (breathing, breathing....) I'm not holding out much hope for the Knotts Berry Eggs (AKA mutts) but thank God there are 15 lovely BBS Orps on the way! Ooooooh yippee

Felt weird not looking at BYC for a couple of days, will certainly get caught up on the dish this evening.
Anxiously awaiting the hatchings! The chicks are due Tues. I moved them under a Broody several days ago for the actual hatching so no need to lock down. Gracie (Blue Cochin) must know cause she's not getting up to eat & drink. I'm having to hand feed her & hold the water right up to her. Haven't candled since day 14 at which time all 10 eggs appeared viable. Hope hope hope!!
Whaaaaa! The mutts are down to 2. And I think we're just doing it for experience... however, I think it's good practice. We opened up the 5 that we just took out and it looks like they were all developing but stopped at some point... all at the same time, or so it appears. Sad. I'm so grateful that these eggs were mine to help if possible... they had a better chance with me than with KBF for sure.
Anxiously awaiting the hatchings! The chicks are due Tues. I moved them under a Broody several days ago for the actual hatching so no need to lock down. Gracie (Blue Cochin) must know cause she's not getting up to eat & drink. I'm having to hand feed her & hold the water right up to her. Haven't candled since day 14 at which time all 10 eggs appeared viable. Hope hope hope!!

I moved the silkies out of the incubator yesterday. I had one late hatch the night before at the end of day 21. So that makes 6 out of 14 but I knew that a few were iffy.... I am so sad though as I was cleaning out shells I found one that had pipped nice big hole but got flipped over and stuck.... So it died in the shell. I tried hatching in cartons and my only one to pip got stuck to the carton. Then when I don't use egg cartons and one gets flipped and stuck.... :( I can't win!!! I might try cardboard egg cartons next time hmmmmmm.... Anybody do the carton method?

I read somewhere that they sometimes just unplug the turner and leave the eggs in the to hatch..... I can't imagine how the chicks would be able to move around once hatched....

Oh well I am going to concentrated on my 6 lovely hatched silkies.... And well my 7 others :lol: . And not the one that didn't make it. They are the cutest thing ever!! I'll try to get some pictures to post later. Forgot my laptop power cord at work and can't post from my phone.
I moved the silkies out of the incubator yesterday. I had one late hatch the night before at the end of day 21. So that makes 6 out of 14 but I knew that a few were iffy.... I am so sad though as I was cleaning out shells I found one that had pipped nice big hole but got flipped over and stuck.... So it died in the shell. I tried hatching in cartons and my only one to pip got stuck to the carton. Then when I don't use egg cartons and one gets flipped and stuck....
I can't win!!! I might try cardboard egg cartons next time hmmmmmm.... Anybody do the carton method?
I read somewhere that they sometimes just unplug the turner and leave the eggs in the to hatch..... I can't imagine how the chicks would be able to move around once hatched....
Oh well I am going to concentrated on my 6 lovely hatched silkies.... And well my 7 others
. And not the one that didn't make it. They are the cutest thing ever!! I'll try to get some pictures to post later. Forgot my laptop power cord at work and can't post from my phone.

Congrats on your new chicks!

I don't use cartons, but for lockdown this time, I'm placing each egg in a cupcake liner. I figure they'll still have room to move, but hopefully it will keep the hatched chicks from flipping over the pipping eggs, and kicking them all to the sides of the bator. I've heard others say it's works well.

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