Setting eggs tomorrow night, 3/29/12, anyone want to hatch with us?

I have a chick! A tiny one! She's happily drying off in the incubator without a peep. YAY something hatched!
Appears I should have found you guys earlier! I set 18 chicken eggs on March 27 and the cheeping from the incubator woke me up a few hours ago. I had begun to worry a bit as yesterday was day 21. Now, after reading many of your posts, I realize I'm in a bit of a pickle. Along with the chicken eggs, I set 16 duck eggs and four goose eggs, which I need to keep opening the incubator (a still air Little Giant 9200) to turn. Didn't know anything about "lockdown." I am assuming the best I can do at this point is continue to turn the duck and goose eggs, minimizing the amount of time I have the lid off. I also did not candle any of the eggs, so at this point, I'll just wait and see. The good news is, I have two pipping and lots of chirping, despite the mistakes. I don't have a hygrometer - should I put in a wet sponge or paper towel to increase the humidity at this point? The rings in the bottom are full of water, as recommended in the directions.

I hope they all hatch today so I can sleep tomorrow.
I would, one or two fully soaked helps get the humidity right, but next time get one! Preferably a digital one from a reptile store..... They have thermometer/hydrometer combos
Appears I should have found you guys earlier! I set 18 chicken eggs on March 27 and the cheeping from the incubator woke me up a few hours ago. I had begun to worry a bit as yesterday was day 21. Now, after reading many of your posts, I realize I'm in a bit of a pickle. Along with the chicken eggs, I set 16 duck eggs and four goose eggs, which I need to keep opening the incubator (a still air Little Giant 9200) to turn. Didn't know anything about "lockdown." I am assuming the best I can do at this point is continue to turn the duck and goose eggs, minimizing the amount of time I have the lid off. I also did not candle any of the eggs, so at this point, I'll just wait and see. The good news is, I have two pipping and lots of chirping, despite the mistakes. I don't have a hygrometer - should I put in a wet sponge or paper towel to increase the humidity at this point? The rings in the bottom are full of water, as recommended in the directions.

I hope they all hatch today so I can sleep tomorrow.
Congrats on your chicks!!! You will see these little ones will do your turning for you as they thrash about, they roll all of the eggs! I would try not to open the incubator at all if you have pips ... You run the risk of your chicks getting shrink wrapped in the eggs. The humidity is probably fine and as the chicks hatch they will raise the humidity. Hopefully they'll hatch today and then you can resume turning your duck eggs! Good luck and keep us posted!!
Yeah!!! What kind of chick? How many more are you waiting on??

I have 14 eggs in the incubator, one I think died but I left it in. I see three more pips so that is good :) I'll post a pic when they are all dried.

I have silkies and americaunas. The silkies are hatching right now, the americaunas have 3 more days till they should hatch.
This morning when I checked, my Broody has left the nest with her two tiny chicks. She had them down on the floor by food & water. I checked the other 8 eggs. 3 had yellow chicks in various stages of development. None full term. The Silky egg was fully developed but had not piped at all. These eggs were not set by the moon phases. My next batch will be by the moon phase as that seems to be the only time I get a good hatch rate. This was such a dissapointment. But at least I have 2 chicks and Momma is happy.
This morning when I checked, my Broody has left the nest with her two tiny chicks. She had them down on the floor by food & water. I checked the other 8 eggs. 3 had yellow chicks in various stages of development. None full term. The Silky egg was fully developed but had not piped at all. These eggs were not set by the moon phases. My next batch will be by the moon phase as that seems to be the only time I get a good hatch rate. This was such a dissapointment. But at least I have 2 chicks and Momma is happy.

sorry about that. those broodys seem to know whats going on, they take the babies to get food, and dont starve them by sitting on bad eggs anylonger then needed. its amazing.

Congrats on those 2 babys!
We have 2 pip's!

When i got up this morning the humidity had dropped to 50%...

I got up at 3:30am to check it and it was at 77%........... now, when i get up at 7:30am its 50%...! what the heck!

I hope they are ok, and not dried out in there!

If those eggs pipped and dont get out cause of me im goona be sooooooooooooo
How's everyone doing??? I think you all are staring at your incubators!!!

Well... not much to report here. I officially go on lockdown tonight, so I did some prep. My pervious hatches were done with the eggs on the wire floor of my incubator. I didn't like all the rolling around!!! I'm pretty sure I lost 2 chicks tht got turned upside down after pipping. So this time I'm experimenting! I have some in a cut down egg carton and some in little rings cut from a paper towel roll. The ones in the little rings are on their sides like they were on the floor, but they won't move as easily. The ones in the carton are more upright which just seems wrong to me, but I know others have success that way.

I'll top off the water trays tonight and then I'll officially be on lockdown! I thought I saw one little bantam egg rocking a bit ago, but then I realized that the slightest bump to my table rocks that particular egg, so that's probably all it was.

I thought I was impatient before... now I'm REALLY getting impatient!!!

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