Setting eggs tomorrow night, 3/29/12, anyone want to hatch with us?


Well, I was up almost all night, but when i woke up this morning, I had 5 chicks in the bator and 5 more that pipped!

If the other 5 make it I will be so happy i would dance a litte jog all over the house....! LOL

I only put in 13 egg's and one was a double, so if I hatch out 10 that would be an awesome hatch rate for my first real hatch~


one splash and 4 blues.....

Can't hate those odds! I hope I didn't kill mine. I was told 55-65 humidity for the first 19 days, and ppl are going back and forth on if that is too much or not :(
Can't hate those odds! I hope I didn't kill mine. I was told 55-65 humidity for the first 19 days, and ppl are going back and forth on if that is too much or not :(
What day are you on? Are your eggs shipped or local? 55-65 is high for the 1st 18 days, but shipped eggs seem to require higher humidity....
this is all just soooo exciting. I'm waiting to see if my mutts do anything. We're not gonna give up on them for a few days although I think at this point it's futile.

HOWEVER, on the positive and very super duper exciting side.... MY BBS ORPINGTON EGGS HAVE JUST BEEN SET!!

Super happy dance!!
All 15 of them are super pink, super sweet and just darling. I'm hoping that my hovabator is going to behave and stay on temp as it should..... I'm a wee bit nervous. Oh well... it's all an experience. A very super duper exciting experience!!

These eggs are my first purchase ever and I'm over the moon. Here's to a wonderful hatch, and I'm keeping my eyes on all of you here.... may your lovelies be out and dry and fluffy butt'ed very very soon!

Yeah! Orpingtons!!! Did you let your eggs rest for 12-24 hours?? Some people say not to turn them for a week..... I've done both and am not convinced that either way has drastically different results. what humidity are you going to do??? Oh to fast forward 20 days :)
Well, i couldnt wait. I helped that baby out. Left its umbilical stuff attached, figured it would dry up and fall off. Its resting in the incubator, seems fine so far.
I have an egg thats been piped for 24 hours with no further zip, I still hear faint peeps, at what point should I help it?

ETA: I opened the bator and put a hot wet washcloth in, just in case my humidity was too low from taking out the chicks that hatched yesterday. We'll see if that works.
I have had eggs that made no progress for 24 hours and then popped out in no time at all.... I also had a few shrink wrapped eggs or Orpingtons that were too big to maneuver once pipped and I helped them out.... So far I have been very lucky with assisted hatches. You just have to make sure you go very slowly ..... And obviously wait long enough before helping so they have time to absorb yolk & blood vessels.... If I can see them breathing I don't worry..... For at least 24 hours.... If i do help i like to help a little put them back and wait to see if they make progress.... If not a few hours later i help a little more.... Etc etc etc.... The chicks get really exhausted and loose strength trying and trying to get out of the shell.... If you are using a forced air incubator be careful when helping as creating a bigger hole then putting them back to finish hatching can allow the membrane to dry out! It's a judgement call..... But you'll know if they are stuck... Trust me!! Good luck keep us posted.
Well, i couldnt wait. I helped that baby out. Left its umbilical stuff attached, figured it would dry up and fall off. Its resting in the incubator, seems fine so far.
[ Oops double post... No idea how that happened!
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Haha. Guess I was too late with my reply

No problem. I've helped before on previous hatches and the chicks made it. I find if there is still blood in the veins I wait till its become pale. I work the membrane over the chicks body and leave what I can attached to the chick. This seems to work for me. But I only do it when I think the chick has given up. I just needed someone to hold my hand through this one.

I'm hatching my own babies and I feel somewhat more attached to them since they are like my grandbabies, so I wanted to be more careful with these little guys.
Can't hate those odds! I hope I didn't kill mine. I was told 55-65 humidity for the first 19 days, and ppl are going back and forth on if that is too much or not :(

I got that a lot too, but found that the lower i had my humidity the better for MY hatch. this is my third, my first ALL died, second i got one, and now this one.

So far we have 5 babies, 5 pips left (one look like it will zip soon) out of 13 eggs I put in.

So far it looks like 4 black or blues, and 1 splash!

And YES they where shipped eggs, and I let them sit for 32 hours, and put them straight into the bator with the turner ON!
No problem. I've helped before on previous hatches and the chicks made it. I find if there is still blood in the veins I wait till its become pale. I work the membrane over the chicks body and leave what I can attached to the chick. This seems to work for me. But I only do it when I think the chick has given up. I just needed someone to hold my hand through this one.

I'm hatching my own babies and I feel somewhat more attached to them since they are like my grandbabies, so I wanted to be more careful with these little guys.

I hatched some of my own too and I know exactly what you mean!!! I found those usually just pop right out of the shell.... they are the only local eggs I have set and was having such bad luck with shipped eggs I was getting frustrated!! It is a great way to see how much damage the post office does to the eggs!

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