Setting eggs tomorrow night, 3/29/12, anyone want to hatch with us?

I got that a lot too, but found that the lower i had my humidity the better for MY hatch. this is my third, my first ALL died, second i got one, and now this one.

So far we have 5 babies, 5 pips left (one look like it will zip soon) out of 13 eggs I put in.

So far it looks like 4 black or blues, and 1 splash!

And YES they where shipped eggs, and I let them sit for 32 hours, and put them straight into the bator with the turner ON!

Congrats!!! How far away did your eggs come from???
Yeah! Orpingtons!!! Did you let your eggs rest for 12-24 hours?? Some people say not to turn them for a week..... I've done both and am not convinced that either way has drastically different results. what humidity are you going to do??? Oh to fast forward 20 days

Well, I was told to let them come to room temp... which I did... and to let them be at the lower end of the humidity scale... 30-40%? Hope I'm not screwing this up. I have a laser temperature reader thingie... I'm not convinced that it's accurate either. Waaaay too many devices telling me too many things. Oh dear Gawd.
Well, I was told to let them come to room temp... which I did... and to let them be at the lower end of the humidity scale... 30-40%? Hope I'm not screwing this up. I have a laser temperature reader thingie... I'm not convinced that it's accurate either. Waaaay too many devices telling me too many things. Oh dear Gawd.

Deep breath!!! Its going to be fine.... Chickens have been doing this for a long time and they don't have the tools we do ... Oh wait thats the problem

I try to keep my humidity in the 30-35% range but I do let it drop into the 20s between adding water .... I find that I only have to add water once or twice during incubation. I have a genesis Hovabator .... and have had ok luck doing this... If you humidity is too high your chicks can also grow to fast and big and therefore have a hard time moving in the shell to hatch.... I only mention this because on another thread someone told me when I assisted my LAvender Orps that she always keeps and eye on her orps as they tend to be big chicks. She has found that she needs to assist them .... I assisted almost all of my lavender Orps..... and they weren't the english ones !!!

Hoping you have a fantastic hatch!!!! Can't wait to hear your progress!!!
Wow guys, looks like its been a busy 48 hrs for us all! Great news on all your hatches!

So our hatch also has gone well!!! As of now, thursday afternoon the 19th, we've got 23 babies in the brooder, and 3 eggs left in the bater that havnt pipped. At least not yet...

Even if the other three do nothing, we still have 23 hatched babies outta 28 set, and 26 that made it to lockdown!!!!! Soooo happy with our results! FYI we hatched 12 barred rocks, and 11 jersey giant eggs. The giants eggs were shipped! Cant wait to share some pics with you guys, as soon as I can find our card reader for my camera.

Whats the longest any of you have left eggs in the bater and had them still hatch???
I have been in lock down since Tuesday... Nothing yet
...Please wish me luck I started out with 25 eggs and down to 17 in lock down... I am hopeful for all to hatch but want some to at least hatch for me....

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