Setting eggs tomorrow night, 3/29/12, anyone want to hatch with us?

So I had only 6 eggs make it to lockdown. Today is day 21. I've had 2 BLRW hatch, although one is pretty weak. All of my Maran eggs are totally silent. I'm frustrated because on day 18 they were rocking, and 1 chirped enthusiastically for 3 DAYS, but it's now been still and silent since midday. I'm feeling discouraged. When you know a chick has internally pipped, but a long time passes with no external pip, do people ever help? I'm afraid the little guy has run out of oxygen. If there are no more pips by morning, I'm going to move the 2 fluffy ones to the brooder, but then how long should I leave the other eggs in the bator? Candling is pointless. They're too dark to see anything.
The red is kind of dark but not to the point of looking black or maulberry.. Also they are taller than the ones shown on here. They do have the most characistics of a Silkie though such as Black skin, 5 toes. I have a pic of them but not real close to actually examine them. No nothing yet with the eggs they are just laying there
..... I set them on March 30th I know you start the count the next day which would be the 31st. I put them in lock down on Tues the 17 th and Fri the 20th would be day 21 right?

This pic is of my Whie Silkies 2 roos and 2 hens

They are beautiful!!!

Your calculations look good to me! Do you remember what time you set them? I set mine around 6 pm on the 31st, so I figure they are "due" at about that time on the 21st. But as we all know it varies a lot! Temp a little high can cause them to be early, temp a little low can slow them down. There are so many factors, that's just one example!

Hang in there!!! We are all sending you happy hatching thoughts!
Keep repeating "it is only day 20" to yourself!

So I had only 6 eggs make it to lockdown. Today is day 21. I've had 2 BLRW hatch, although one is pretty weak. All of my Maran eggs are totally silent. I'm frustrated because on day 18 they were rocking, and 1 chirped enthusiastically for 3 DAYS, but it's now been still and silent since midday. I'm feeling discouraged. When you know a chick has internally pipped, but a long time passes with no external pip, do people ever help? I'm afraid the little guy has run out of oxygen. If there are no more pips by morning, I'm going to move the 2 fluffy ones to the brooder, but then how long should I leave the other eggs in the bator? Candling is pointless. They're too dark to see anything.

I have helped before... some outcomes better than others. It is always such a tough call. At this point, even though my chickens are nothing fancy, I want a healthy flock so I don't want to help something mother nature would have let go. On the other hand, if I feel that the problem was my doing I'm more likely to be temped into helping. No matter what the case it is so hard to do nothing. Just keep in mind the risks to all if you open the 'bator.

Hang in there!
They are beautiful!!!

Your calculations look good to me! Do you remember what time you set them? I set mine around 6 pm on the 31st, so I figure they are "due" at about that time on the 21st. But as we all know it varies a lot! Temp a little high can cause them to be early, temp a little low can slow them down. There are so many factors, that's just one example!

Hang in there!!! We are all sending you happy hatching thoughts!
Keep repeating "it is only day 20" to yourself!


Thank you Karen ( Cats Cradle)... I am thinking I set them around 6:30 , 7ish p.m.... I know it is only day 20 but my nerves are about shot. Thanks for the encouraging words from you and all the others. I posted early on when this thread was started that this was my first attempt at hatching. It has been the longest 20 days I think I have ever lived through. LOL
Deep breath!!! Its going to be fine.... Chickens have been doing this for a long time and they don't have the tools we do ... Oh wait thats the problem

I try to keep my humidity in the 30-35% range but I do let it drop into the 20s between adding water .... I find that I only have to add water once or twice during incubation. I have a genesis Hovabator .... and have had ok luck doing this... If you humidity is too high your chicks can also grow to fast and big and therefore have a hard time moving in the shell to hatch.... I only mention this because on another thread someone told me when I assisted my LAvender Orps that she always keeps and eye on her orps as they tend to be big chicks. She has found that she needs to assist them .... I assisted almost all of my lavender Orps..... and they weren't the english ones !!!

Hoping you have a fantastic hatch!!!! Can't wait to hear your progress!!!

You have no idea how helpful you've been aaggjg... I'm ever so grateful for all this informaion. I've just elevated one end up by a squished toilet roll under each egg.... being super gentle and watching my humidity. Yippeeee... only 20 more days.
I got that a lot too, but found that the lower i had my humidity the better for MY hatch. this is my third, my first ALL died, second i got one, and now this one.

So far we have 5 babies, 5 pips left (one look like it will zip soon) out of 13 eggs I put in.

So far it looks like 4 black or blues, and 1 splash!

And YES they where shipped eggs, and I let them sit for 32 hours, and put them straight into the bator with the turner ON!

Taking notes.... I will be sending pictures out and asking for all the colors/sex of all as soon as they show up.... please please please be available in 22 days?? oooooh please!!! soooo beautiful
So I had only 6 eggs make it to lockdown. Today is day 21. I've had 2 BLRW hatch, although one is pretty weak. All of my Maran eggs are totally silent. I'm frustrated because on day 18 they were rocking, and 1 chirped enthusiastically for 3 DAYS, but it's now been still and silent since midday. I'm feeling discouraged. When you know a chick has internally pipped, but a long time passes with no external pip, do people ever help? I'm afraid the little guy has run out of oxygen. If there are no more pips by morning, I'm going to move the 2 fluffy ones to the brooder, but then how long should I leave the other eggs in the bator? Candling is pointless. They're too dark to see anything.

awaiting an answer... taking notes...and PS Brooster....I'm super sorry your Marans are quiet. I'll do a prayer and a cheer for them. Maybe a nap? I know I'm just hopeful, but yikes so sad... I would imagine the Maran eggs are too dark to see....

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