Setting Feb 16, want to join in>Hatch-Along

This is one of the reasons I always go into each incubation with NO expectation of anything hatching. Honestly. Every live hatchling is a miracle. If one chick hatches and survives, I am thrilled. If more hatch, I am ecstatic. I know I am not the Goddess and all the bells and whistles of good incubators and proper operation still does not guarantee live chicks.

I see so many folks get disappointed at low hatch rates. "Terrible hatch.". Really? Yah, many folks - myself included - often spend LOTS of money on eggs and they feel cheated if nothing hatches. I consider it money well spent - there are other addictions far more personally devastating.

That being said, Jmurph, your statement made me smile. I do know how crazed I get during incubator lockdown! This particular hatch, my new silkie is doing the work, which means I am hovering over her broody bin and probably annoying her with all the attention. I ask her, "How are your eggs doing?" and she Brrks at me in a companionable way. Not gonna reach in there and actually bother her physically.

I do hope Miss Sparkle hatches at least one chick out of the five eggs I gave her!

I try so hard to be stoic and not count on any hatching. I do get attached though when I see them wiggling around while candling.
I try so hard to be stoic and not count on any hatching.  I do get attached though when I see them wiggling around while candling.

Hmmm. I tend to think of the embryos as science projects until they draw breath through a pip. When they peep within the shell, I am totally smitten. THIS is when I allow myself to "expect" a live hatchling - and I get horribly disappointed if they don't make it.

Yeah... And my therapy for the disappointment is treated here on BYC because folks here understand and are supportive.
Guys, I really messed up. I am so upset. I candled my eggs quick to set them properly and pulled out one of my maran eggs I was unsure of.. It looked like it had a weird air sac and I couldnt see veins and the dark spot just didn't look right to me. I thought it was a day 13 or so quitter like my Lavender Orpington... It definitely was not. I can post a picture of the egg-topsy if you all are interested but it's pretty sad. I am really kicking myself right now.. I should have just left it! 5 eggs left.
Guys, I really messed up. I am so upset. I candled my eggs quick to set them properly and pulled out one of my maran eggs I was unsure of.. It looked like it had a weird air sac and I couldnt see veins and the dark spot just didn't look right to me. I thought it was a day 13 or so quitter like my Lavender Orpington... It definitely was not. I can post a picture of the egg-topsy if you all are interested but it's pretty sad. I am really kicking myself right now.. I should have just left it! 5 eggs left.

So sorry hun :(. I would be very wary of tossing anything once lockdown comes around. I do look for movement, but sometimes it takes almost a minute for me to see something move. In the future, if it doesn't smell bad, leave it in the bator and see if it hatches. We all learn from our mistakes though :)

And yes I would love to see the eggtopsy picture. What it normal looking?
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Guys, I really messed up. I am so upset. I candled my eggs quick to set them properly and pulled out one of my maran eggs I was unsure of.. It looked like it had a weird air sac and I couldnt see veins and the dark spot just didn't look right to me. I thought it was a day 13 or so quitter like my Lavender Orpington... It definitely was not. I can post a picture of the egg-topsy if you all are interested but it's pretty sad. I am really kicking myself right now.. I should have just left it! 5 eggs left.
Oh I am sorry, that is sad. I am such a "chicken" when I decide to take quitters or clears out I dont look inside them. I really dont want to know what was in there. Hope your others all hatch!

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