Setting Feb 16, want to join in>Hatch-Along

Pip's not in this picture - gotta find some more batteries for my camera!! But went out and took some more pics of the chicks in the brooder! It is amazing how fast these guys are!

Hey BarefootMom! How did you hang your water bottle? I have the same water tip on a bottle, but I haven't figured out the best way to hang it, I'm afraid it will fall on someone!
My 13 are still doing great. The one that hatched today is in the incubator with the last four eggs and he/she is not happy at all. It's been chirping most of the day. I believe I should have left a couple others in there with it. I was hoping it would talk the other four into coming on out. lol Hope they do hatch.
Love the pictures! I have a question...
The majority of my chicks hatched 21..I started with 11 lavender Orpingtons.(Polish, cochins and marans hatched fine). One orpington hatched on day 21. One pipped and we helped it, it is doing fine. ( I tossed a few prior to lockdown). Now I have 4 orpington eggs in the incubator..I've got nothing pips, no sounds...nothing...How long do I wait? To complicate matters, I also incubated 6 Pekin ducks...5 of which hatched Wednesday. I left 1 egg in the incubator that hatched today...It in NOT GOOD..I don't think the poor little duck can stand and it is just laying in the bator. It could possibly be a crested which I know has a lethal gene. I am going to have to cull this little one in the AM, if it still can not stand. I was going to toss the egg yesterday., but it started to pip. Emotionally , I am shot. In my mind, I am thinking that if the Orpingtons haven';t already done something then it is time to pull the plug on the 'bator. I believe that there is a reason for everything...I am sad, because I don't think that the duck should have been I am thinking that the Orpingtons are not okay...even if they wait to hatch...
I would candle and tap them at this point. Since there are no pipped eggs there's nothing to worry about when opening the bator.
My late hatcher seems to have stopped trying to get out. It is about 1/3 of the way unzippepd. It has been that way since 4:00pm yesterday. It is still alive, chirping a little but not moving as much as yesterday.

Do I give this little guy a hand?
After reading the interventing thread, it looks like I have a humidy issue, he looks tried out and my humindy is only between 55-60. I moved the bator to the bathroom with the shower on. I will try to increase the moisture and give this chick a small hand.

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