Setting Today - Who's With Me?


9 Years
Apr 18, 2010
Henderson, NC
Setting chicken and duck eggs today. Here's what I'm putting in:

LG#1 - 12 call duck eggs
LG#2 - 12 Buckeyes
LG#3 - 24 Blue Laced Red Wyandottes
1502#1 - 144 Buff Orpington
1502#2 - 156 Rhode Island Reds
1502#3 - 208 Speckled Sussex

The other bators are waiting for welsummer eggs - hopefully next week and runner duck eggs, also next week

Who's with me???
I set 13 Black Copper Marans, 2 black sex links and 3 mutts. The BCM I purchased and the other 5 were freebies

This is my first hatch so I'm really excited.
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U must have a huge incubator to set all those eggs!! I will be setting 22 blue marans and 5 blue copper marans eggs later this afternoon (still waiting for my blue copper girl to lay her 5th egg lol). Won't these all be due to hatch on July 4th? Cool they would be born on the 4th of July....
I've been saving eggs for the last few days to set- so I can have a Fourth of July hatch!

I set the eggs this afternoon....

Large Fowl-
10 BBS Cochins
7 Black Copper Marans
6 Easter Eggers
6 Olive Eggers

7 Partridge Wyandottes
6 Dunlaced Wyandottes
2 BBS Ameraucana
2 Mille Fleur d'Uccles

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