Settling Period


14 Years
Nov 9, 2008
Central Indiana
My Coop
My Coop
I'm finding mixed messages on the number of hours to let my cortunix eggs settle before putting them in the incubator. I got them home at 9:00 a.m. and have them sitting in a 65 degree room. Is it okay to put them in tonight or should I wait. Since I leave for work tomorrow morning very early, I'd rather put them in the bator tonight, but I've read some places to let them settle for 24 hours.
10 hours are fine. Everyone has their set period on shipped eggs, but if they have been sitting for about 10 hours....Kick the tires and light the fires!!!
This is why I say "everyone has a set time" on shipped eggs.

No set time is wrong, but if I had a batch of coturnix eggs sitting still for 10+ hours.....I would kick the tires and light the fires on them, then shake and bake.

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