Seven dead hens within 4 hours, not attacked. UPDATE: Teflon Poisoning!

That's the coop in summertime when we were just finishing it up.
Id say poor ventilation and to drafty. Im in maine as well. I dont cover up theyre openin to go in an out of the coop an i have one window plently of vents above roosts. My window is dry in the morning. I also put hay at the bottom of the window. Pic of my coop below. It was super windy last night so if the house was very drafty it couldnt of been good condition for them last night.


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Do those windows open? If so you need to open one or two to let the wet out.

How far from the heat lamp were your birds huddled on the floor?
What kind of bedding did you put in?
Have you used the stuff you put under it before?

Were any of them breathing oddly? Rattling sound while breathing? Sneezing? Coughing? Nasal discharge?

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