Seven dead hens within 4 hours, not attacked. UPDATE: Teflon Poisoning!

x2. I'm theorizing now that maybe the cold (OP mentioned "drafts" in their coop) combined with humidity (frost on windows) may have froze their lungs?
Possibly. But im just trying to figure it as well since i am in the same state dealing with the same weather. I made my coop, vents, roosts ect and have a bare back young leg horn that made it threw last night and i forgot to pull my trap down on the back side of my coop to block out the winds and one of my hen got covered. I brushed her off an moved her and she was fine. I hope the other make it. But and also try home remedies to help immune system and circulating blood flow (Cayenne pepper).
Look it happens to the best of us you didn't know. How can you blame yourself for something that you didn't know
I actually was thinking shatter resistant would be better so they couldn't accidentally eat bits of glass if it did break and fall. I just feel so sad because they were great chickens and I hope they just passed in their sleep and didn't suffer. :(

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