Sex changing cockerels


6 Years
Jul 13, 2013
SW Kansas
These guys are 8 weeks old and I was sure all were roos, now not so sure. I need to be certain in a week since they are due for caponizing. They are mix breeds Buff Brahma or Maran roo over ???

This one is shy and I couldn't get a decent shot

Pretty sure this one is still a roo

This one has me stumped, but it is so pretty!
Boy they are iffy, those slow maturing breeds are hard. The first two really still look like pullets, not seeing anything that screams roo. The second two lean more towards roo, especially the first one, the second does have pretty decent pink wattle also.
Boy they are iffy, those slow maturing breeds are hard. The first two really still look like pullets, not seeing anything that screams roo. The second two lean more towards roo, especially the first one, the second does have pretty decent pink wattle also.
The mostly white one looks like a male. The second bird you posted (the dark barred one) looks like a pullet. I'm leaning towards pullet on the black bird.
Thanks, I am actually a bit disappointed, LOL I thought I would have a bunch of roos to take to clinic! I am glad the white one looks to be a roo, he'll be a pretty capon. Sure appreciate it
Thanks, I am actually a bit disappointed, LOL I thought I would have a bunch of roos to take to clinic! I am glad the white one looks to be a roo, he'll be a pretty capon. Sure appreciate it
I am disappointed we don't have a caponizing clinic here. Lucky you!

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