Sex-Linked??Baby Chicks??


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jul 18, 2011
West Central, WI
I've got two new baby chicks that are New Hampsire Red (Rooster) and Buff Brahma's cross. Would my two chicks be sex-linked. I got one dark one and one light one. Thanks for your help as I know nothing about what breeds produced sex-linked chicks.
No they will not be. A Red SL crossing would involve a roo with the red gene (you have that part right) covering a hen with the silver gene (white). So, if you took away the Brahma, and substituted a White Rock, that would work.

Keep in mind that the purer the blood of the parents is, the more reliable the cross is. Mixed genes will throw all sorts of wrenches into the works.
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Okay, I'm happy to now know how that works. I guess I will have to wait to see what I have. Thank you!

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