Sex linked color and lacing? PICS added


Green Eggs and Hamlet
12 Years
Jul 7, 2007
Middle TN
I just hatched out three little yellow chicks that are either from a silver laced wyandotte or a golden laced wyandotte crossed with a buff orp. The feathers on two are coming in cream colored with a dusting of black it seems.
These are the chicks. I don't have good pictures of the wing feathers. They are zippy little things!

So the question is, is lacing sex linked in a blended chick? Will the male chicks feather out lacing or partial lacing and the female chicks be solid?

Also, daddy is buff colored. Mama is either white with black lacing or brown with black lacing. Could the white from the SLW dilute the buff color to make it more cream?

Sorry for all the questions. I'm clueless when it comes to genetics.
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I have no experience or personal knowledge of anything like this, sorry. But from what I've read on here, I'd guess it's not going to be sex-linked. Hopefully this will bump you up so someone who knows can answer...
How about color? Will male chicks from a buff daddy and SLW mama be silver(white) and the females buff?
I got wing pictures today. The white is actually more of a cream color. My camera doesn't know what to do when zoomed in on fast moving pale chicks in low light. Go figure.

The lighter yellow chicks-


The darker buff chick-
Well, darnit! If so, then the two yellow chicks with cream laced wing feathers are boys. Pooh! I was hoping for a cream laced pullet out of the deal.

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