Sexing 3 week old chicks


10 Years
Jun 11, 2009
I have 3 chicks that are 3 weeks old. Can the be sexed at this age?
I have 2 pekin bantam, maran (heavy breed) cross chicks and one vorwerk, maran (both standard size parents) chick.

I was going to add some pics to see what you think but i don't know how to do it. Any advice on how to upload photos would be welcome!

Please reply, Thanks
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Good morning and welcome to BYC!!!

First off, it might still be a bit early to tell what you have, but I'll give you a few pointers that should help. The chicks that have their combs start growing and getting a pink or red tint to them are going to be your cockerels. In about one more week or two, that will start getting very obvious.

As far as uploading pictures goes, look at the blue bar towards the top of the page that has Index, User list, etc... on it. Go over to Uploads (the 8th one over) and click on that. Then you will click on choose file. From there you will need to go to your photos section of your computer. Click on the photo you want to upload and hit submit. Once your photo is done downloading, right click on the img code, then copy it. Then you will paste that img code into the thread you want to post your pics on. Easy peasy!
My chicks are now a few days of being 4 weeks old so i will post some pics and hope they turn out ok. Feel free to guess what gender they are




Sorry if the pics are bad, if they are blurry and its hard to tell whether they are male or female tell me and i'll post some more pics.
Whoops i forgot to change the date on the camera so all of the pics say 2007 at the bottom of them. But i took these pics today.
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