sexing 4 week old chicks (pic heavy)


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 26, 2012
I bought 6 pullets from Meyer and got 7 chicks in the mail... 2 BR 2 PR and 3 RIR (I think... those were the closest looking chick pics to the chicks I recieved) Anyway, the BR appeared female, and so did the RIR, but I had no clue on the PR. Now, I'm starting to think I was wrong... Any help? :)

RIR #1

RIR #2

RIR #3 (Igor- so named because of her wonky wing... She's been like this since the day she arrived)

PR #1

PR #2 (that comb looks awfully suspicious... however, this was the first to feather; she had her tail feathers at day 5)

BR #1

BR#2 - my suspected roo. Stands super tall, is slightly aggressive, and look at that comb!)
the comb on the suspected roo is actually very small. my baby's was bigger and redder at 3 weeks! (then again,we think that one is a roo) the coloring is a little suspicious though. All the rest loook like pullets to me. look at my barred rock on my post about sexing 3 week chicks. Also, is that a prarie chicken?
For breeds I'd say you have Production Reds, Partridge Rocks, and Barred Rocks. It's a bit young to be guessing genders, how old are they? I'd say that Production Red 2, BR 1 and 2, and PR 2 are probably cockerels.
They're 4 weeks old today (pics taken yesterday.) I really hope they aren't males. These chicks are going to be working for their feed. And males aren't allowed in my area, so any males will have to go. ANd I did order only pullets.
My production chics developed combs and wattles larger and quicker than my others and were hens i just think that they develop faster still may be all hens
Give it some more time. At six to eight weeks, the guessing game will be much easier to play.
I was afraid of that. I'm so impatient. I hate waiting!!! They move outside next week, but if the weather stays nice-ish, they may start spending the days outside. They smell! :p
Since you are in Georgia, I'd start eliminating the heat. Your house is no doubt 70 plus degrees, day and night. That will acclimate them for where they are heading. I am going to assume your days are in the low 80's and nights around 60? If so, adjust them for a day or two or three and move them on out.

We never brood in the house. Ever.
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We have a detached laundry room where they're staying, but this is the LAST time I brood inside the house. I am currently dividing the shed into 2 parts, so next time I have chicks, they'll be brooded in the coop. Thanks for the advice! They spend some time outdoors when I clean their brooder, so, if I can finish the renovations to the coop today, they start going outside tomorrow! Unless it rains, which it's threatening to do.
I'm in Canada, and our nights go to low 40's and I have 5 week old chicks (just turned that today) sleeping on the roost next to the big girls/guys. Yours are ready to be off that heat lamp right now. At 4 weeks old they should be fine in 60 degree weather. Especially seeing how feathered out they are already. All girls from what I can see. The comb on the last one is not nearly as big as my BR at that age.

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