Sexing Araucanas and Marans (2.5 weeks old) Picture Heavy


7 Years
Nov 21, 2012
Lots of pictures! The more, the better, right? :)

I need a little help sexing my chicks. Okay, a lot. I am pretty sure that, at least, one of the Marans is a rooster. The others I am not sure about. I am very new to this and would appreciate any help that is offered.
I got them yesterday (11/20/2012). They hatched 11/7/2012, making them 2.5 weeks old.
The Marans came from a Black French Copper Maran (Rooster) and a Blue Maran (Hen). She did say that the Blue Maran isn't accepted as a standard breed, yet. The Araucanas came from a Lavender Araucana Rooster and the hen wasn't specified as to which one. (I am waiting for an e-mail reply.)
We only have two names, so far. :)

1. Maran

2. Araucana

3. Araucana

4. Maran

5. Clucky- Maran (The one I'm pretty sure is a rooster.)

6. Araucana

7. Scruffy- Araucana

Thanks again! :)
2 looks to be a rooster also and 7 is a pullet. Araucana can be difficult to sex but typically if their comb is 3 very defined rows of peas its a boy. The ones with the flatter combs at the same age are pullets. Does not always hold true because I have hatched plenty of roos whose comb stays super small till about 5 months.


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