Sexing Dominique Babies

I obtained the eggs from a friend I work with so I don't know. He also has game and something he called red rocks, which I assume is a black sex link...
Yes a red Rock is the same as a black sex link and would make sense with what you have. If they were F1 then the ones without head spots would be pullets and the ones with them would be cockerels. I'm concerned though that these may not be first generation which could mean there's no telling exactly what's going on.

I think the first one is a boy and the second a girl, but we'll see

Well, if they're sex links instead of pure bred doms, then that would be correct... but only if their properly sex linked. I.E. the mother was the dom and the father was something else not barred. If it was the other way around (the father was the dom, and the mother wasn't barred) then they aren't sex linked and its up in the air.
The article seems to indicate I got a cockerel but I don’t know if the article is correct and I don’t know if the Dominiques at Meyer are pure bred enough for it to matter
It used to be the case that you could sex barred rocks, dominiques and cuckoo marans by the head spot, but in hatchery quality birds the reliability of this has drastically gone down.

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