May 12, 2015
Montrose, Angus
Hi there... I was hoping someone may be able to help sex this Silkie for me... I think it's a 'roo' but need verification if possible.
Cheers for any help given.

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Hi, welcome to BYC!

What a pretty bird, love the color. Until it crows or lays an egg, I'm not good at telling the gender but there are others here that can, hopefully you'll find out soon.

Thanks for joining us!
Welcome to BYC! Please make yourself at home and we are here to help.

Silkies are incredibly hard to sex. It's hard to tell from the pic but I'm thinking pullet. Definitely post in the link provided by NorthFLChick.
I enlarged your photo but, it's kind of blurry like when using soft focus so can't make out the feathers well enough. It would help a lot if we would see a photo(clear) straight on of her face and comb. I am thinking pullet also but, also need to know age. You can also post on "Silkie Thread." Welcome to Backyard chickens.

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