Sexing Marans chicks.


12 Years
Dec 12, 2007
Is it really possible to sex Cuckoo Marans chicks? I've read that you can sex them by their coloring but when my Marans were chicks I don't remember seeing the light/dark difference(but I wasn't really looking for it). Is it accurate or more of a "kinda looks like a cockeral" thing?
I can usually tell by the time they start getting their wing feathers and how they're colored...light or dark...on what their sex is. I'm not wrong too often on it.

So what is the trick to tell the difference? I got two Cuckoo Maran chicks from Ideal (pullets) and one's wing feathers are growing faster than the other.
There's a pic on feathersite with two distinctly different-looking 4-day-old chicks, one a cockeral and one a pullet. It looks way too easy.
Usually the pullets wing feathers grow in faster and the barring on her wings will be darker than a little roo's is. By the time they really start feathering out, most of the time it's very apparent who's who. The roos are much lighter than the pullets.

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