Sexing the Brahma breed, (standard size, Light Brahma)

I can't help with sexing Brahma chicks, but this is my light Brahma rooster at four months. He is enormous, has longer tail feathers than anyone else and has long neck feathers. I couldn't tell any difference between him and the other chickens until a few weeks ago. We can't have roosters either and got a silkie rooster too in our batch of ten straight run chicks. If there's anyone out there in southern California, you're welcome to him!

I can't help with sexing Brahma chicks, but this is my light Brahma rooster at four months. He is enormous, has longer tail feathers than anyone else and has long neck feathers. I couldn't tell any difference between him and the other chickens until a few weeks ago. We can't have roosters either and got a silkie rooster too in our batch of ten straight run chicks. If there's anyone out there in southern California, you're welcome to him!
Beautiful. Can you send him to Pakistan?
In case you wondered, both of mine turned out to be hens!

Congratulatons! Not yet laying, I take it? I have a light brahma about 3 weeks older than your girls and I suspect she'll be the last of my flock to produce an egg. I was excited to see her checking out the nesting boxes - only to realize that she was munching the hay in there. Lol!
No not laying yet :) Matter of fact, we are a bit stressed because despite all of our precautions (chicken designated boots, roof on the coop, chicken clothes, showers and cleaning shoes after a trip to the feed store), we seem to have Marek's. Sigh. Once chicken seems to be recovering, two are in a dog crate doing well but walking like drunken sailors, and one had one day of spasms and that was it.
Thanks. We have a top researcher of Marek's here at NCSU, so I have lots of good information. According to her, most adult chickens become carriers at some point. It's when they get it early like this that the most problems occur. Sigh. Well, they seem very happy despite their funny walking.
I bought this chick from the local feed store (I live in the Los Angeles suburbs and there are no hatcheries/breeders near by
) that gets their chicks from Privett.

Could I have your best guess of if this chick would be considered a male or female?

Here is Esmé, she is 1 week and 3 days!


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