Sexing young chicks

I love this page! So I think I will keep the little light colored one and sell the others. Should I sell the males as split? Or are they not? Sorry if that was already answered..

Some are split......... some are not, no way to know which ones are. Sell them as IB that are possibly split to Purple(Cameo).
Except for a couple of offspring percentage issues you did great!

Thanks so much, you helped me understand the sex-linked colors and the silver pied genes, so a lot of the credit is yours.
Do the cameos or purples have any barring as chicks? My girl has none. Also if a male is split ib/purple when he gets fully grown and colored out could he display some purple ? My male has gotten alot darker on his chest and the top of his wings. It looks black really but in the right light it looks really dark purple. Everywhere else looks blue except his tail feathers. He has been molting but what's coming back in is really green and yellow. Or is that normal for blues?

this is what I ment by huge color difference.
This picture is a little blurry, but even so, I can see faint barring on the lighter chicks feathers. As a hen grows she will lose that barring and become more uniformly colored. Barring is hard to see on Purples and even harder on Cameos, but it is there , if they are males it gets more prominent as they mature, if they are hens it fades away. As for your male, please post a picture. Peacocks are iridescent, meaning that as the light hits the feathers from different directions different colors can appear to be present. Is he a Barred Wing(wild type) or a Black Shouldered male?
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Mine don't really look like either. She is more of a tan color and has no white on her wings. I will try to get a better picture of her out in the light here in a little bit. Thank you all for being so patient with me.
Mine don't really look like either. She is more of a tan color and has no white on her wings. I will try to get a better picture of her out in the light here in a little bit. Thank you all for being so patient with me.

Disregard the white, it just means they are crossed with either a white or pied bird, it does not affect the base color.

My lovely 8 year old wanted to help and take pictures for me. So here is a FABULOUS pic of my male. ( her words of course) I will try to get a better one tomorrow. I didn't have any of the chick that was worth posting. I think she was trying for action shots? But I learned my lesson and will now check out her awesome pics from now on if I plan on posting them. :-/

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