Sexlink Thread- Pictures and Discussion

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Sorry to hear about Lily Nick, I had a hawk kill a grown goose earlier this week while it was grazing in some planted oats. We got the hawk the next day though when it came back to the carcass.
ive been trying to figure out if my gold sex link is color mutated or if shes just not a sex link. I have other gold sexlinks and they look just like her as chicks but of course their feathers are coming in red, my gold sex link is yellow and white, and is a hen. i know roosters are usually that color. she has a small beard but was born in late fall, and its cold in the winter here. i bought her with ameraucanas but they all had distinctive patterns, and were mostly red.
Shes an Easter Egger, as are the other "Ameraucanas" you got if you got them from a feedstore. There is no set pattern for Easter Eggers, but your hen is one of the typical patterned ones.
thank you. shes just unique compared to the others i have. ive always wondered since ive gotten her. is her coloration buff? how can i find other pix of ameraucans like her.
No its not buff, its a mixed gold pattern diluted by Dominant White ( The Red Sexlinks are Red Columbian diluted by dominant white where they would normally have black in the tails and neck feathers and look like RIRs) The most common color of EE hens is the color of your girl, but with black where she has Dom White.
There is an Easter Egger thread, I bet you could find lots of pictures there.
Lily died from a hawk on Thursday, and tomorrow I gave to kill a chick with the dwarfing gene. Oh joy.
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