SGE to RIR to- Welsummer?


Apr 9, 2023
I got 4 chicks from TSC and back in March when I was young and naive (lol) and as they’ve grown up I’m realizing absolutely none of them appear to be the Starlight Green Eggers they were advertised to be. Of course that “breed” in itself is a mix but two out of 3 of these chickens look nothing like the hatchery photos and I suspected they were Rhode Island reds. One started laying this week and she is indeed what I’d identify as a classic RIR. And her eggs are brown (not green!). But another has lighter neck feathers and patterned neck and back feathers that made me think she looked a bit like a welsummer after I saw some photos of other peoples’. Thoughts?

Left is Blanche (RIR) right is Dorothy (the welsummer??)
Dorothy looks right for a SGE. Welsumers have a different coloring on their body, and they don't have white earlobes.
Hmm ok! Well that’s cool- we were happy to see eggs but were a little bummed they weren’t green 😂 maybe Dorothy will provide. The photo on Hoovers for SGE looks like our 3rd from the bin- which is really light brown / kind of mottled almost like a golden comet. But again, since they’re mutts I guess they can end up looking a bunch of different ways…
Hmm ok! Well that’s cool- we were happy to see eggs but were a little bummed they weren’t green 😂 maybe Dorothy will provide. The photo on Hoovers for SGE looks like our 3rd from the bin- which is really light brown / kind of mottled almost like a golden comet. But again, since they’re mutts I guess they can end up looking a bunch of different ways…View attachment 3585647
I've seen many SGEs that looked like Dorothy on here. Generally they look either like red sex links or RIRs with more patterning to the feathers, but not as much as a Welsummer would have. There are all sorts of hatchery hybrids, though, so you won't really know until the eggs come. I hope you get some nice green shelled ones.

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