Share about recent or expected rabbit kindling?

I used some new (compressed) hay in the nest boxes this last time, and it was really dusty and had a lot of small, pointy particles...I think some debris got in one little New Zealand kit's eye because it stayed closed after the other had opened and when I soaked it open with saline, it had some goop in it. I've been washing it out with saline and putting Vetericyn in it. It seems to be improving - instead of being stuck shut, he was opening it today.

No more compressed hay in the nest boxes.
I used regular baled hay prior to this, and it was long, relatively soft strands. I'm going back to that.
Thank you, kindly. I am excited.

Cute little side story. As it is going to be cold this week, I slapped together a maternity pen with a quarter inch mesh bottom and chicken wire sides to set up in the shed. I planned to go back and add the mesh around the bottom of the sides later, but hadn't had a chance to yet.

I decided to check for babies one last time before bed. I opened the door to the shed just in time to see a kit squeeze through the wire and fall. I caught it right before it hit the floor...

Of course, momma gave birth to the first kit outside the nesting box. Not knowing if there were any others on the loose, me and the wife carefully tore the shed apart looking for loose little one. After confirming there were none, we trimmed out the cage before bed.
I'll try to post pics of my ND litter soon... Can't find a memory card :p

Yes please! I love ND bunnies :)

I'm considering breeding my two rabbits together, an Agouti Mini Lop buck to an Orange Dwarf Lop doe- any tips or things I should consider? Also, would I be better waiting until spring?
Thank you, kindly. I am excited.

Cute little side story. As it is going to be cold this week, I slapped together a maternity pen with a quarter inch mesh bottom and chicken wire sides to set up in the shed. I planned to go back and add the mesh around the bottom of the sides later, but hadn't had a chance to yet.

I decided to check for babies one last time before bed. I opened the door to the shed just in time to see a kit squeeze through the wire and fall. I caught it right before it hit the floor...

Of course, momma gave birth to the first kit outside the nesting box. Not knowing if there were any others on the loose, me and the wife carefully tore the shed apart looking for loose little one. After confirming there were none, we trimmed out the cage before bed.
Wow! You were definitely in the right place at the right time. :eek:

Does just don't cooperate sometimes...I had one that just wouldn't use the nest box and had her litter on the babysaver wire. Fortunately, they were all fine and mom was ok with me moving the kits into the nest box. Who knows what they're thinking...glad yours were all fine, too.

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