Share With Us Your Wedding Pics & Experience

Sparkles, those are some CUTE pictures! Especially the 2nd one.

Dh and I met in an AOL chatroom, of all places, a few days before Thanksgiving 2004. We met in person on New Year's Eve 2005, and got married On January 28th. So about 2 months we knew each other.

Everybody thought we were crazy, but almost 5 years later we're still happy.

The only sucky part is, we got married in a courthouse with only a crappy camera. I have exactly 3 uber-blurry pictures. We have big plans for our 5th anniversary, so I WILL get good pictures! (We're going to Louisville to stay at the Brown hotel where parts of "Elizabethtown" was shot. Woo hoo!)
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Thanks PC
If by "cool" you mean that he acts tough but really lets me be the boss and likes it then yes he is haha. Really I know how lucky I am and try to be sure he knows that he is my better half
Oh, I think you are totally qualified to start a wedding pic thread. Just because your marriage has befallen what so many have, doesn't mean that it doesn't count. It's part of you and who you are, those years don't just get erased.

I'll post ours later today, we look like child bride/bridegroom. It's almost embarrassing. We were in our early 20's, but I swear we look 16.
What beautiful brides with lovely dresses, handsome men and touching stories!

DH and I have been married 22 years - first time was in a church complete with white gown and tux...remarried/renewed our vows 2 years ago at the 20 year mark in Key West, FL on the beach barefoot with a wonderful JP and vows we wrote ourselves! Spent our "honeymoon" tootling around the island on a scooter acting like kids! Both special but can you guess which one was more fun?!!


DBF and I are talking seriously about getting married. He has my grandmother's wedding ring, along with instructions to change it to make it his gift and promise to me. I have a feeling it'll be presented to me within the next few months.

Neither of us is particularly interested in a big wedding: we're more excited about having a marriage. He's been married before and I was a wedding coordinator in the church where I grew up. After going to 80+ weddings in your lifetime, you're not too interested in doing the same thing as everyone else.

We've started telling our friends that if the day should come that we invite them to a party & say, "you have to come", we've got much more in mind than a simple BBQ.
My first wedding and marriage was HORRIBLE. Anyone who has read one of my other post about the ex will understand. Anyway it rained I couldn't find a dress that we could afford so I wore a pant suit, we were late to the location, his sister in law refused to eat the food and cried till someone got her some french fries. Sad thing she was grown. His sister got so drunk she fell in the bathroom and hit her head on the toilet and had to have stitches. Basically the only good thing that came out of it was a short last name and 4 beautiful youngens.
The second has been great. We got married a few years ago and no one knew and most just found out. We got hitched by the justice of the peace on a monday morning after a trip to the court house to pay taxes. We both wore jeans and t shirts. It was great. I kept my ex's last name for the youngens and for spite I guess. But we didn't tell anyone the only reason anyone found out was b/c a month ago hubby had a medical scare and only spouses could ride in the ambulance. Boy was his family mad. I should add his step mom HATES me! My mom was thrilled b/c she didn't have to put up a cent.

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